(no subject)

Oct 27, 2007 20:05

Me: I got a pumpkin <3
Ruth: :D
Ruth: I'm so pumped
Me: me too :D
Ruth: I wonder how many people are coming
Me: meeee :D
Me: what more do you need? XD
Ruth: that's all I need
me: LOL

The adventure began when my mom realized that she was still wearing her slippers at the airport. Yes. She continued her stay in the city with these shoes. When they come into fashion in a year you know who started it.

Anyway, at our gate there was a plane leaving, also to NYC so we just talked to the people and switched our flight. Huzzah! We got out of the airport an hour early!

So we walk around downtown for a little. We saw Grand Central Station and the Library- which is really more of a meuseam because they had very few books for the amount of space. Except a Gutenburg bible, which counts for like, 3 billion books or something. And I had lunch at Sardie's. Like in the Producer's song. XD

Anyway, that night we saw Young Frankenstein! lkfgjhflkdflkdsjf! 10 row! There was an understudy instead of Rodger Bart but I don't care. It was freaking awesome anyway! <3<3<3<3<3<3

Very early the next morning I did my interview for Oxford. And it was a totally brain-straining experience, but awesome at the same time. Seriously, at school now they always talk about challenging you and getting you to discover stuff on your own, but it has been sooo long since I thought that hard. It was completely nerve-racking but... fun at the same time. I have no idea if I did well or not because realistically speaking, I felt like I was coming out of a river into an ocean, and had been so certain that all the water in the world was in that river. It was certainly an experience. And at least I got to go to New York. <3

We window shopped and had a heavenly chocolate thing at Serendipity. We went to the Metroploitain art museum then went to the airport early, where we got an early flight again. Thank goodness because the flight we were booked on got canceled. O__o

Basically this was the best vacation I had in a long time. No car to worry about. Nobody making me grimace in front of landmarks. No luggage, just a messenger bag with a change of clothes. No gadgets, just a book. No itinaries except the interview and the show. I just got to go to NYC and soak up the culture and everything. It was very liberating. That's how travel should always be.
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