Sep 04, 2007 23:20
I'm moving on to a new LJ. Really, it's because I want to make it friends' only, but I don't want to go through 2 years of entries to friends' them. So I've made a new journal, devoid of all these memories (which is pretty sad for me, because sometimes I'll go back, but I'm just starting fresh, which is also a good thing to do.) So add my new one, delete this.
(story behind my lj name): So the other day at work some ladies asked me what my name was (My name tag says Dibe, but nobody can get that) and I pronounced it for them "Die-bee, long i and long e"
"awww. That's cute, how were you named that where's it from?"
"My mom named me that, it's Navajo"
"Awwww. it's Navajo! What does it mean?!"
"It means Little Lamb"
"Awwww. how precious. I bet you get that a lot."
"Yeah, it's a commonly enjoyable name"
You'd have thought they were cooing over an adorable child. Nope... just my name. So that's what my new LJ is. Add it folks!