The Morgan Legacy, Generation Nine: Summer II (Events)

Jan 02, 2016 18:21

Generation Nine Guide | Generation Eight Guide | Generation Seven Guide
Generation Nine Family Guide | Generation Eight Family Guide


Diana Brown
Major: Political Science
GPA: 2.9

Kira Copur
Major: Art
GPA: 3.4

Tracy Copur
Major: Drama
GPA: [Unknown]

Tim Morgan
Major: Literature
GPA: 2.8

Vivian Morgan
Major: Art
GPA: 3.3

Diane Legacy

Jo Legacy
Major: Business
GPA: 3.1

Eliot Morgan
Major: Mathematics
GPA: 3.7


Eric Legacy and Lanie Morgan

Lanie Morgan and Mihail Bowers


Eliot Morgan and Tracy Copur

Beatrix Morgan and Marcus Chandler

Bradley Morgan and Jo Legacy


Vivian Andrews and Devon Brown

Andrew Bowers and Ginny Brown

Prof Mary Kay Caulfield and Meg Morgan

Tim Morgan and Vivian Morgan


Quatre Morgan
Parents: Matt Morgan and Andrea Morgan-Copur Morgan

Joshina Brown
Parents: Devon Brown and Vivian Andrews Brown

Minerva Bowers
Parents: Andrew Bowers and Ginny Brown Bowers

Nymphadora Bowers
Parents: Andrew Bowers and Ginny Brown Bowers


Benedict van Loon

Anthony van Loon

Duncan Chandler

Giles Morgan-Copur

Reva Morgan

Alec Morgan

Anica Legacy Copur

Dan Legacy

October Legacy

Artemis Brown

Caroline Morgan

Quatre Morgan

Ellen Morgan Legacy

Edward Copur

Morgause Morgan

Phillip Chandler

Casey Legacy

Amanda Morgan-Copur Turner and Andrea Morgan-Copur Morgan

Matt Morgan and Olivia Morgan

Liam Turner

Joshina Brown


Sorin Legacy
Age: 81 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: His children (Dan, Anica, and Casey) and grandchildren (Kira, Tracy, Diane, Jo, Rannulf, Eric, Malcolm, and October)

Luna Brown
Age: 84 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: Her children (Hermione and Artemis) and grandchildren (Devon, Ginny, Diana, and Mae)

Beckett Morgan
Age: 82 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: Her children (Alec, Matt, Olivia, Alexis, and Penelope) and grandchildren (Tim, Eliot, Beatrix, Ianto, Bradley, Walter, Wallace, Annabelle, Lanie, Reva, Anthony, Benedict, and Quatre)

Nolan Morgan-Copur
Age: 79 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: His wife (Ariana), daughters (Amanda, Andrea, and Annalise), and grandchildren (Tim, Ianto Bradley, Charlotte, Rebecca, Laura, Giles, and Quatre)

Charles Turner
Age: 79 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: His wife (Carrie), son (Liam), and granddaughters (Diane, Charlotte, and Laura)

Imriel Fitzhugh
Age: 79 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: His wife (Kaya), daughters (Felicity and Phèdre) and granddaughter (Guilia)

Penelope Morgan van Loon
Age: 34 days old
Cause of death: Starvation
Survived by: Her husband (Quentin), sons (Anthony and Benedict) and siblings (Alec, Matt, Olivia, Alexis, and Sonya).

Meg Morgan
Age: 82 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: Her second wife (Prof Mary Kay Caulfield), daughters (Janelle, Mackenzie, Ellen, and Susan) and grandchildren (Andrew, Jo, Eliot, Lewis, Marcus, Sid, Eric, Wallace, Duncan, and October).

Carrie Fitzhugh Turner
Age: 80 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: Her son (Liam) and granddaughters (Diane, Charlotte, and Laura).

Kaya Morgan-Copur Fitzhugh
Age: 80 days old
Cause of death: Old age
Survived by: Her children (Felicity and Phèdre) and granddaughter (Guilia)

Picspam Part I >>>


* I haven't updated the profiles yet, but I'll do that tonight, too. Profiles are up to date as of about 7:35 EST!

* I'd originally planned for Beatrix to find an NPC or Townie to have the gen 10 heir with, but the Crystal Ball didn't give her any good candidates and I like her with Marcus too much to interfere.

* As always, if you want any of these sims for your game, let me know! SimPE still doesn't work for me, but I think it'll still let me extract sims.

* My brother gave me The Sims 4 for Christmas! I've only played it once so far, since I've been so busy, but I really enjoy it. Are any of y'all playing it, too? If so, any tips?

# updates, legacy: the morgans

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