Hey! I'm new here :) Just thought I'd introduce myself!!
1. Your Name: Jen
2. Your Partner's Name: Jon
3. Your Age: 20
4. Their Age: 23
5. How long have you two been together: 1 year 1 month
6. How did you two meet: Online actually!
7. Do you see yourself marrying this person: Yes
8. Tell us a romantic story: I had been eyeing this Coach purse for a few months and on our 1 year anniversary Jon sent me on a huge scavenger hunt which led me to eventually find it under our bed haha. No one has ever done that for me before! Nevermind actually remembering that I wanted it!
9. Tell us a funny story: I'm a total Klutz and I spill everything. One time we were in a store and there was a huge rack of bottles. Well of course I ended up backing up into it and spilling the whole thing over. Yeah, ever since then Jon's nickname for me is Spill :-P
10. What is your song: "The Reason" Hoobastank
11. How does your significant other make you feel: Ah - Mazing
12. How did you find themoreiloveyou? Random Search