Suit Word to Action

Apr 17, 2013 20:38

The Bible verses linked to each icon, for reference.

She is hidden away from every eye,
even from birds looking down from the sky. (Job 28:21) ‡

Does not My word burn like fire? Does it not shatter rock like a strong hammer? (Jeremiah 23:29) ‡

Evil people are determined to rebel, and so a merciless messenger will chase them down. (Proverbs 17:11) ‡

Draw the spear and javelin to meet my pursuers. Reassure my soul and say, “I will deliver you.” (Psalm 35:3) ‡

You are children of vipers, you belly-dragging snakes. You won’t escape the judgment of hell. (Matthew 23:33) ‡

He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. (Revelation 13:10) †

‡ from the The Voice Bible (2012)
† from the he Holy Bible, New King James Version (1982)

!reference, bible verse, icons
