Title: The Plan.
People: Josh, Daniel, Harold, Dom.
Rating: Gen - PG.
Summary: Why did Dom kiss Naveen at the SAGS?
Disclaimer: Not real.
Notes: More RPF based on that photo (under the cut) because
halfdutch tagged people to come up with other ideas. Her interpretation lives
h e r e and if you haven't read it yet, you should do. *nods* The overly-pretentious cut text should make sense when you click!
The Plan
"Come on guys, it’ll be fun. You remember what fun is, don’t you?"
Dom fiddled with the camera as he spoke, trying to work out how many shots they had left to take.
Harold shook his head and laughed, fixing Dom with a hard stare.
"No way, man. Na-uh. I mean, won’t it make us seem a little... gay?"
Dom was about to speak when Daniel jumped in first, turning his head to giving Harold an appraising look.
"And this from the man who once dressed in stockings and suspenders and lip-synched his way through Young Hearts"
"Harold did what?"
Josh jumped up on the couch to get a better view and, Dom figured, to make sure that he was in any photos that might get taken.
"White stockings and suspenders teamed with a sequined bra and mini-skirt, if I remember rightly. Lovely shade of lipstick to go with it, too. Very fetching. Now, say cheese."
Dom raised the camera and snapped off a shot.
Harold rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow.
"It was for a film!"
"I wanna see it! I wanna see it!"
Josh was jumping around like an idiot and Dom was suddenly gripped with the desire to tell him to get down off the furniture. He made a mental note to call his parents later, his mum would be so proud.
Harold sighed heavily and turned to look at Josh.
"Look it was Shakespeare, okay. Very high class, nothing seedy, just leave it."
Dom couldn’t help but snigger a little and he noticed that Daniel was having trouble holding back the laughter too.
"Aw, don’t sulk, Harold. There’s no shame in letting your feminine side show, besides, I did drag for TV once."
"Now, that I have to see!"
Daniel gave up trying not to laugh and cracked up as he spoke. Dom stuck his tongue out and pretended to be hurt.
"Look, we’re getting away from my point. Just imagine, when they read out that Lost has won..."
"If they read out that Lost has won. Don’t jinx it."
Josh waved his unlit cigarette in the air to emphasise his point. Dom bowed his head in apology.
"If they read out that Lost has won the cameras will zoom in on us all in the audience and what will they see?"
Dom pointed at Harold and Daniel and leered.
"You two snogging like there’s no tomorrow."
Dom folded his arms and grinned, he felt very pleased with himself for coming up with this plan.
"Not going to happen."
"No way."
Harold and Daniel sounded pretty dead set against it, Dom felt his shoulders slump in defeat.
"Why not? Come on, guys. Please."
Dom was aware that he was whining, but he couldn’t help it.
Daniel reached out a hand and patted his shoulder in sympathy.
"Sorry, Dom, but I’m not kissing Harold just so you can get a cheap thrill."
Dom pouted.
"If Foxy was here, I’d do it."
They all turned to look at Josh who was bouncing on the couch again in excitement. Dom grinned and made a mental note to tell Evi what Josh had said. Harold leant over and stage-whispered to Daniel in a conspiratorial manner.
"I’d have to say that that was pretty darn obvious."
Daniel laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Way obvious."
Dom was suddenly struck with a great new idea.
"Ok, ok, I’ve got it. You" Dom pointed at Harold, "kiss him." He pointed at Josh and waited for them all to congratulate him on a fantastic new scheme.
Harold stared at him like he was insane, in the very back of his mind Dom wondered if Harold might just be right.
"No. Way. The only person I’m kissing tonight is my wife. No offence, Holloway."
Josh threw his head back and laughed.
"Hell, that’s ok. I’m a one-man kind of a guy anyway."
Dom sighed heavily and tutted under his breath.
"You’re all spoilsports, the lot of you. Fine. I’ll just have to snog Naveen."