thefridayfive for March 16, 2007.
1. What's your favorite shade of green? Teal, probably. Haha.
2. Do you wear green on St. Patrick's Day, and if not, do you ever get pinched? No, don't even celebrate that. LOL.
3. Do you do anything else to celebrate the holiday? Nope, lol.
4. Have you ever consumed a green beer (or any other alcoholic beverage dyed green)? Nopes.
5. Do you have a good luck charm, and if so, what is it? Don't have one. ><
thefridayfive for March 23, 2007.
1. If you could suddenly speak one language fluently (that you don't currently speak) what would it be? Hmm, Spanish.
2. If you were to suggest a foreign film, that you really enjoyed, what one would you suggest?
3. If you had to call another country home (other than the one you currently live in) what one would you choose? England!
4. If you went out to buy an import music CD, what one would you buy? Hmm, there's loads... I could spend all day in the CD store! (As already demonstrated on Tuesday with Atiqah, lol!)
5. If you were to chose an ethnic dinner, what would it be? Indian? Haha.
thefridayfive for March 30, 2007.
1. If you had to choose being blind or deaf, what would you choose and why? I've been asked that question several times now. >< Er, blind, I suppose. I don't think I could go a day without music. T_T
2. What is the best smell? :S BodyShop always smells good! Haha.
3. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold! xD
4. What's the worst feeling in the world? Rejection? Failing exams? Depression? ><;;
5. Would you rather have something hurt or something be itchy? Hurt because even if it itches, the more you scratch it, it will hurt in the end.
thefridayfive for April 6, 2007.
"Wait 'til the Weekend
(Since I'm late for this, I'll answer it as if it's this week, lol!)
1. Monday was magical because... I got attached. LOL.
2. Tuesday, what a tiring day, because... I went out and met Atiqah. We spent all day in That CD Shop. xD
3. My Wednesday was wild & crazy because... well, it really wasn't. I'm home all day. Haha.
4. Thursday made me think about... I'll only know after, really. Haha.
5. Friday is the most fun because of... I HOPE it will be. xD
thefridayfive for April 13, 2007.
1. Who was your first crush? Hmm, my cousin. xD
2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert, maybe?
3. What is your favorite non-sexual thing you like to do with the love of your life? HAHAHAHA. Loads of hugs? Or just hanging out.
4. Name one quirky habit your partner does that either annoys you or makes you grin. Haha, er... He's an all round weirdo. There isn't one thing he does that doesn't make me smile. xD
5. Do you believe in monogamous relationships? Yes.
thefridayfive for April 20, 2007.
1. How are you stereotypically female? I don't think so. o_O
2. How are you stereotypically male? ...
3. What parts of you do you consider unclassifiable as either gender? o.o Err... I don't know, tbh. ><
4. Do you think you are primarily male, female, or neither in characteristics? Female, haha. So the many silly little quizzes I have taken tell me. xD
5. If you could be born as any gender, knowing the gender prejudices as they are now, which would you choose to be? Female still, haha.
thefridayfive for April 27, 2007.
That's Entertainment!
1. What is your all time favorite book? Eeps! Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. :p
2. What is your all time favorite movie? Err... Damn. There's so many! I can't pick one. :[ Emperor's New Groove? xD
3. What are you reading right now? I'm rereading Twilight. ^^ Oh, and Basic Theory of Driving.
4. What is your favorite show on tv? CSI! Charmed when it was still around, haha.
5. What is the last movie you saw in the theater? Bridge to Terabithia with Sabrinna.
thefridayfive for May 4, 2007.
My life would not be the same without this...
1. song/movie/book: Anberlin - Haunting / ... / Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
2. person: All my friends. o.o I can't pick one. >< Ooh, ooh, my sister. ^^
3. place: Err, England? LOL.
4. event: FOB concert! And the up and coming Anberlin concert. :D
5. self indulgence: CHOCOLATESSSSS. *drool*
thefridayfive for May 12, 2007.
1. If you were a nocturnal animal, what nocturnal animal would you be? Owl! Because it's the one that first came to mind. xD
2. Which is better: to obey the law to avoid punishment, to obey the law because the law makes sense, or to obey the law because everyone should? Err, because it makes sense?
3. Who is your favorite all time movie villian? None. xD
4. Are any kind of ethics involved in wearing a hat? Ask me again when I'm more awake, kthx.
5. When is the best time for you to take a 20 minute nap? Why? No time. LOL. Naps are a waste of time, IMO.
thefridayfive for May 18, 2007.
Nudity/Body Awareness
aka "How comfortable are you in your skin, or with others?"
1. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? Nope.
2. When you're home alone, do you strip down to get comfortable? Do you ever go out without underwear (bra and/or panties) because it's more comfortable? Nope, haha. I'm comfortable with clothes. :]
3. Have you ever/Do you use the bathroom with the door open? Are you comfortable using public facilities? Yes, only if I'm home alone. And yes, but it feel weird to poo in public toilets, lol!
4. When getting intimate with your significant other, lights on or off? Well, I don't know, haha.
5. How comfortable are you with body exposure/nudity of others? Group shower rooms?, topless/nude beaches?, breastfeeding in public? Not very comfortable, haha. But if someone breastfeeds in public, I'd not bother much.
thefridayfive for May 25, 2007.
1. What is your favorite board game? Monopoly because it's the first thing that comes to mind when you say board game. xD
2. What is your favorite card game? Er... I used to play Old Maid loads. Haha!
3. Do you like to play games on the computer or on a gaming system? Yes. ^^
4. If so, what is your favorite game to play? Sims 2! Hahahahhahahaha!!
5. Do you like to play games with people or to play them alone? Alone, because I'm a loner. ROFL! xD