As Filipinos, I suppose it's strange to really care about the U.S. Presidential elections. After all, we're hours away on an airplane flight and our government, while courting the graces of the United States, has more problems to think of.
But today, November 4, 2008, I was pulled into watching the Presidential race online. The situation itself struck me as amazing for the following reasons - personal and professional.
1. I was watching the race online, with polls being updated minute after minute. It's a testament to the pace of technology today that I can watch the numbers for Obama move from 108 to 285 to 349 (Thank you CBS news!).
2. I was sharing my experience online with the people I love! Not only did technology help me understand, it helped me share a moment in history with someone halfway around the world. (Thank you, Skype and Facebook!)
Times are a'changing.. more so today than any other day.
Photo credit:
Patrick Moberg