Dec 20, 2004 12:18
I have barley even started my Christmas shopping.
I have to get something amazingly awesome for Audg Podg!
So far this break has been amazing!
I dont ever want to go back to school.
I got my first U.S History. Thank you Mr. Volpi!
It's too hard to stay awake in that class..especially since it's 1st period.
I boycott history anyway!
Lots of SNAJ nights! and I love it! Me and Nikki stayed up till 4 last night talking about EVERYTHING and its brother! I love her! I'm so lucky to even know her.
80s night at Leanna's was great! Pretty in Pink and Dirty Dancing!
Baby-"You're a great dancer."
Penny-"Yeah well my mom kicked me out on the streets when I was 16..." (continues to tell life story)
I can't stop thinking about you! You make my day!