The Walking Dead: I'll TELL you how, buster.

Oct 08, 2014 21:33

Because I finally watched the fourth season of The Walking Dead, and I never got around to talking about the third season, and despite the record evident on this very journal, I do actually want (and even sometimes try!) to finish things I said I would might. (Although there's, like, A LOT to talk about for the series overall before delving into ( Read more... )

battlestar gafraktica, musetastic: character stuff, category: ... huh, storyworks, daryl is awesome always forever the end., we could be yelling by now, i am of the people of the long wind, musetastic: tv/episode, category: wha?, category: uh no, internet confuddlery, the walking dead, unrepentantly opinionated

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Re: TWD rants and ramblings begin in five, four, three, two.... themonkeytwin November 24 2014, 04:07:58 UTC
OKAY SO I MIGHT NEED TO VENT SOME MOAR except it's also kind of just ludicrous and I mostly just want to point and laugh and roll my eyes. But also reply a little bit because I was meaning to and then LIFE.

So, continuing Cracked's stellar roll, fucking David Wong has got up on his soap box to lecture about how TWD hates humans. I wasn't going to read it because OMFG, but then later in a somewhat more tolerant mood I gave it a go because Wong is frequently insightful - and then he occasionally misses the point so hard I get secondhand whiplash. THIS WOULD BE ONE OF THAT. By a few paragraphs in, all I was wondering was whether he actually watches the show, or just wanted to preach away on his own hobbyhorse. I ended up skimming, trying to find content that would change that impression, but when the first two subtitles are #4. When Shit Goes Wrong, Only the Badass Killing Machines Will Survive and #3. Communities Are Cool and All, but in a Crisis It's Every Man for Himself and the content of those points only veer off even more wrong-headedly, I wasn't about to bother with the second page. I had reached MAXIMUM BOGGLE. And in record time, too. Man, and I thought shipping goggles had industrial strength warp capabilities - but I'll take them over self-righteousness goggles any day of the week.

You like 'Fight the dead, fear the living' Cracked? Yeah, that's basically the whole fucking show.

Yeah, that's the tagline - except see what that writer tacked onto it without so much as a single mental blip at having done so?: "and find out what makes society work and what's killing it in the process." Hey guess what, guy? That's not part of the tagline because that's not what the show is fucking doing. That's what YOU ASSUME it's doing. And maybe that's David Wong's problem too, the context he's bringing into judging what he thinks the show's saying, I don't know and can no longer bring myself to care. Because you know what? As long as it keeps getting record viewing numbers and keeps telling the story it wants to tell, which it really does seem to be, regardless of various obstacles - then really, that's more than enough for me. Especially since I get to squee over it with you! XD (Gotta give a shoutout to Vulture for their reviews, though; they don't go hugely deep but their very willingness to just engage what the show's giving them rather than pontificate on Why They Know Better Than The Show basically makes them works of genius in this field.) The combined critical DERP over this show is still kind of boggling/infuriating - but at the same time, it's so completely human nature, you know? But since I only have limited energy for now, and the choice between about how to spend it, I think I'll go for loving the show and leaving the ~h8ers~ to their thing. (I'm so hip with the lingo, daddio.)

Danai "Michonne" Gurira ... receiving scripts and reading once and going oohh, and again and going OOOHHHHH, and again and going OMG THIS IS AMAZING I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.

I really hope all these guys are getting feedback that tells them that there are people out here who get what they're doing - not just the fangirling/boying about zombie slaying and badassing and hawtness (all valid factors, of course), but this kind of reaction, too. And that those responses are getting through all the noise of people shitting on it. Because, damn.


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