my sandbox is a strange place

Sep 08, 2012 17:57

So caught this meme by way of fannishliss, and it seems a fairly fun way to get to know someone a bit better through the important things, and some of the questions tickled me.

1 - Your current OTP:  I'm getting more than a little attached to Maggie/Sterling, you guys. I haven't had a OTP for a good long while, but these two are slowly, slyly curling up together in my heart, and I don't know if I ever want them to leave.
2 - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind:  Jayne/River. Before that, I generally sailed along the established shipping lanes. Then I read Dyce's The Whole Of The Thing, and it changed what shipping was for me.
3 - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will: 
4 - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t: 
... Eh. I am waaay more a friendshipper than anything else in terms of investment, so this is all pretty N/A. If I could handle OOC (in pairings or otherwise) I'd probably have a lot more fun in fandom at large, but as it is I tread lightly and with my "page-back" loose in its holster.
5 - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what:  I think that can be an unqualified yes. * cough* Maggie/Sterling are the least of my problems.
6 - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom:  To quote fannishliss:  "--- I've been with SPN since s3, and it's now s8.  woohoo!"
7 - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it:  ... Again, I don't know if I ever really thought about the True part of that; I was happy to just accept the canonical warm fuzzies of Anne/Gilbert, Lizzie/Darcy, Scarlett/Rhett, etc. Now I'd be inclined to put Rhett with Melly, just to see what would happen to the characters. (Anne/Gilbert remains sacrosanct, though.)
8 - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series:  Real. Although Spike Spiegel will never not Win The Internets.
9 - Has the internet caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why:  Nothing can turn me off like canon can.
10 - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr/LJ/DW: 
11 - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom:  People are people. They do people things. *shrug* My flisties, on the other hand - ❤.
12 - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for: 
13 - Your favorite fanart or fanartist: 
14 - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor: 
Yeaaah, I don't ... really think this way. Again, I might have more fun if I did. Although I did just give my first ever real prompt to fannishliss, we'll see how that goes, muhahahaha. [ETA: Come to think of it, if anyone wants to take a stab at anything I mention here, that would be amazing and hilarious.]
15 - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of:  Arrrgh. ??? Well, taking "OTP" out of that equation, iTunes just gave me "Monkey Jump" by Kane, Welch, Kaplin, which reminds me of Johnny Crowder, his simmering resentment, his half-twisted, untested residual strength, his limited loyalty, and his long-hidden Ava issues. Oh, I kind of love Cousin Johnny, by the way. In fact, I love all three (Ava included) of the remaining Crowders.
16 - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas):  We ... reeeally don't. Not my kind, anyway. Although for a long time I've been curious about what the canon AU in Discworld's Jingo would look like (that we only get brief glimpses of through Vimes's Dis-Organizer), how dark you could go and still keep it recognisably Pratchettian. Or, you know, possibly you can't; that might be the essence of that AU. - Oh! And ever since I saw the Leverage episode The Future Job, I wanted an AU of really-psychic!TaraBethany and fake-psychic!LukePerryDaltonRand. Hijinks ensue, etc etc.
17 - A ship you’ve abandoned and why:  Well, Margaret/Thornton pretty much permanently supplanted Lizzie/Darcy.
18 - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships:  Ah. Ha. Ha. Haaaaaaaa. This could be an essay.
Okay, essay answer: since shipping, for me, became putting characters together in character, and standing back to see what they uniquely bring out in one another, it all became increasingly esoteric. But occured rarely, compared to how much I intake, and again, I'm not invested in the way "shipping" implies to me. I mean, I know there are *some* people out there shipping, for example, Numb3rs:Megan/Colby or Deadwood:Al/Alma or SPN:Jody/Sam or Dollhouse:Alpha/Echo or SportsNight:Dan/Dana and even Leverage:Maggie/Sterling (because I've had one or two reviews asking me to get them together already) and probably even the aforementioned GWTW:Rhett/Melly, I have never heard of anyone else shipping MuchAdo:Prince/Beatrice or North&South:MrsThornton/Higgins or Leverage:Maggie/Quinn. And I'm really pretty sure I'm the only one thinking, Hey, Yeah, Jingo-AU:Angua/Ahmed or the above AU!Leverage:Bethany/Dalton or, most recently, romantic-non-sexual SPN:CharlieBradbury/DickRoman. Yes that is a thing that I thing. (And that fannishliss is going to attempt, and I am already deeply impressed by this.)
Short answer: Um, YES. And all those were off the top of my head.
19 - Show us an example of your personal headcanon:  I think there's enough scattered through the answers already. But here's where I already did that meme, and hell, if anyone's prompted to ask urgent WTF headcanon questions based on my answers here today, I cordially welcome them to do that there or here. Heheh.
20 - Do you remember what your first fanwork was?  My first fic, I'm pretty sure, was of Boba Fett being taken as a bounty, and I was ... late teens, maybe? Before that, when I was 11, me and my cousins who I was staying with recreated the whole of Disney's The Little Mermaid as a paper doll play. All backdrops, characters and props handmade. It was a glorious fiasco/success, complete with green-room emotional breakdowns and emergency intermissions.
21 - Self-rec: What's your favorite fanwork you've created?  Um. Dunno ... whatever I'm working on in the moment, probably; once it's done, I kind of lose interest. Although The Princess Bride Job always makes me chuckle. And I've always liked the construction of my first series, Will the Circle Be Unbroken.
22 - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping?  ... No. But as we've established, ships do randomly ambush me out of the Seriously Long Grass.
23 - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms:  SPN: John. John John John. ( John.) *ahem* Oh, wait, different characters/fandoms. Well, I guess ... Glee: Puck; White Collar: Peter; Seachange: Diver Dan; and Everything, Ever: Mark Sheppard. (For most of my fandoms, I like several of the characters fairly equally, thus my perenial frustration with the "favourite" question.)
24 - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms:  There's that "OTP" thing again. I'll do my best to find characters I care about enough to ship together but have no interest in putting with anyone else. And that I haven't already mentioned. So, Dollhouse: Dominic/Adelle; Glee: Puck/Quinn; um, um, um. ? The Brothers Bloom: Stephen/Bang Bang.
25 - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from:  Sherlock.
26 - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go:  I believe I have rambled enough, thank you.

I would seriously like to see my flisters' answers to these, so please do, if you fee like it! Or if you don't have time for the whole thing, gimme your answers to whatever takes your fancy in the comments. *grabby hands*

leverage, sherlock, i'm themonkeytwin i'm a samndean addict, no really what is wrong with me, jane austen, north&south, the brothers winchester, white collar, the brothers bloom, musetastic: memeage, 26 questions meme, justified, gone with the wind, pratchett, deadwood, i love my flist

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