music PSA

Aug 29, 2012 17:50

Anyone who knows Australians knows we can be a confusing lot, but if there's one thing we're straightforward about, it's our love of homegrown music. Well, one of my favourite tracks ever is John Butler's "Ocean". It is ... incandescent. And he's just made his first studio recording of it ever [edit: correction, first in a decade, since he first started out], and put it up for free download. (As he says on the webpage, it's a song that he's always played live until now, and it has grown and evolved with him; my all-time favourite version is this one from the album One Small Step (Live and Solo), and yes, it's live and solo, and I can heartily recommend the whole album if you can get your hands on it.)

Oh, and just to note, I came across this by way of triple j's free music download page, which is a perpetually mixed bag, but cycles some awesome stuff through. Definitely worth checking out from time to time!

just me passing through, john butler rocks them socks, cultural spelunking, category: wheeee!, musetastic: musicality, triple j!!!, i love my flist

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