next up, Ant-Man!

Jun 10, 2012 01:53

So, in order to qualify for having any opinion about The Avengers (I'm not allowed to find it bland and hypocritical without giving the franchise more money, apparently), I got around to watching both Thor and Captain America. (I'm not watching the Hulk movies. It's just not gonna happen. Sorry.) And, in what I'm sure will be a huge relief to my ( Read more... )

cultural spelunking, storyworks, captain america, thor, i am of the people of the long wind, mcu / avengers, i spend too long on tvtropes, musetastic: movie, unrepentantly opinionated

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themonkeytwin July 3 2012, 12:24:15 UTC
It's as interesting to me, reading your reaction to Cap

Ha. :) Why's that? My approach to stories, this story in particular, or just the way different people respond to this story generally?

just how dark they allowed the movie to be. And it should be. It needed to be.

It absolutely needed to be. Cap's only as grounded (and weighted) as his mission is serious. There's an element of Nolan's Batman in that, too; that trilogy has opened up a lot of ground for comic book movies to explore the genuinely dark and the genuinely tragic. I thought Cap was pitched just exactly right, the balance of every element was exquisite.

And Chris Evans? There are a metric BUTTLOAD of reasons he perfect for that role, in that story, in that style. But yeah, the innocence is a big part of it. Chatting to tahirire above, I mentioned Sunshine, in which he had a wonderfully serious role and was extraordinary in it (although he did deliver the one single joke in the movie as well, natch). When I remembered that, his casting as Cap made perfect sense (it probably also helped that I hadn't paid much attention to him in his other, lighter roles). I went into Cellular not expecting anything much (I don't even remember why I rented it), but it didn't take long for me to really like his character. He brings irresistable likeability to the table, and that's essential to Cap's nature. And, well, I could go on listing stuff all day. He's that good.

I hear you on the serious, "straight" hero, and I'm with everyone who's pretty much over the wisecracking smartass noir guy. I am so totally okay by now with having a hero who isn't dark and tormented, who's been through some stuff but just deals and gets on with doing the right thing without making it a tortured angst parade. (I mean, we have Show for that, and it does it so prettily. That's plenty for me.) YES PLS. I will hang out with you in the uncool corner anytime. Our corner has Cap; we win.

The Losers? JDM with a beard, Chris Evans with glasses, Idris Elba with ANYTHING? Uh ... yes, I may have seen that several times.... *shifty eyes*

But seriously, I adored him in that. He was brilliant. I love this guy's range, he's so effortlessly watchable. It's going to be fun watching his career.


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