next up, Ant-Man!

Jun 10, 2012 01:53

So, in order to qualify for having any opinion about The Avengers (I'm not allowed to find it bland and hypocritical without giving the franchise more money, apparently), I got around to watching both Thor and Captain America. (I'm not watching the Hulk movies. It's just not gonna happen. Sorry.) And, in what I'm sure will be a huge relief to my ( Read more... )

cultural spelunking, storyworks, captain america, thor, i am of the people of the long wind, mcu / avengers, i spend too long on tvtropes, musetastic: movie, unrepentantly opinionated

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jaydeyn_sitari June 10 2012, 00:47:02 UTC

Odin, All-Father Worst. Father. Ever. Ugh. Who teaches their kids to be utterly xenophobic and racist about their own species. Facepunch to him. And yeah, am kinda looking forward to Thor waking up to just how wrong and manipulative he is... though sad Thor puppy-face will likely be heart breaking.

I completely disagree on Jane Foster (and Natalie Portman for that matter, though I totally see that moe thing) being Thor-orbiting etc; to me it read as the exact opposite. The only time she was that was when he "died" and got his power back. She had her own agency, her own wants and needs and goals and that didn't change after she ran the dude over with her car. He facilitated discovery and helped her get her data back, but didn't change anything about her wants or goals but to give a specific focus. Her journey wasn't about him - it was about the science. Bonus hot guy is definitely nice, mind. Also, major, major points for having both her and the Magnificent Darcy dressed like people actually in the field. That was such a lovely change.

Yes to all that about Loki though. (Deeply looking forward to the histories!)

And ditto on Captain America. Surprising, wasn't it? ♥



themonkeytwin June 11 2012, 04:01:12 UTC
Who teaches their kids to be utterly xenophobic and racist about their own species.

I recently ran across this, Loki: An Allegory About Internalised Racism while browsing Social Justice League.

And it's not just that; I identify as a John-girl, so it's not like I can't have sympathy for dads with external responsibilities who make dumbass family decisions through lack of reflection on the consequences of their well-meaning actions (the kindest possible interpretation of Odin's behaviour). But added to that, from a ruling/kinging perspective, stealing this baby makes no diplomatic sense. Either he WAS a runt, despised and abandoned, and therefore of no worth to the Jotuns whatsoever, or Odin kidnapped the crown prince and brainwashed him for a millenia to revere and serve Asgard (and hate the people he's supposed to be helping build a lasting peace with). At which point you can only suppose this seemed reasonable to him because this is the way Asgard conducts foreign policy, or because he's an overbearing asshole and doesn't care.

Sad Thor puppy-face? *hold me* :(

major, major points for having both her and the Magnificent Darcy dressed like people actually in the field. That was such a lovely change.

I hear you; it's the worst thing watching Hollywood try to portray something you're familiar with. (I have to specifically turn my brain off for all the art-making scenes in White Collar for this reason.) And it served the stylistic contrast really well, as well. Yay for that!

As to the rest, I think if the love story aspect hadn't been overlaid, I'd agree with your assessment of it being all about the science for her, and her character might have landed better for me. But for me at least, after the few opening minutes with her and her team, it just felt like her entire story and even existence just got folded into Thor's. Even the shot of her at the end, excited about the wormhole research, has the focal point of her looking away from the data in front of her and eagerly up at the sky, like once I have completed my research, I'll get to see him again!

Sigh. Anyway. The lack of cleavage was wonderfully refreshing at least! :)

And ditto on Captain America. Surprising, wasn't it? ♥

I'm officially a fan of Cap now. *nods*


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