... I've thought of some more

Apr 04, 2012 01:39

Apparently, I'm not done with Sherlock thoughts just yet. Mostly because I've actually been reading through some of the theories and reactions and stuff on the tv tropes entry and its subpages, and it's stirred up thoughts I forgot to mention. (It's weird, the "fridge brilliance" entries are almost entirely intriguing and/or enriching; the "fridge ( Read more... )

i am of the people of the long wind, musetastic: tv/episode, musetastic: character stuff, sherlock, i spend too long on tvtropes, no really what is wrong with me, unrepentantly opinionated

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themonkeytwin April 5 2012, 02:59:41 UTC
I was going to say about the Joker! Yes, absolutely. I mean, I don't know Moriarty's characterisation in the books, so I don't know which comes from where. But that kind of completely chaotic character pretty much reached its peak with The Dark Knight. (I didn't like it that much either.) I mean, I like that Moriarty is a thoroughly British (Irish...?) character, that nothing he does rings false for that nationality. He's not aping the American version. But it's still just not all that interesting. And part of that has to be that even though he's set up as someone who Sherlock could potentially turn into, we all know he's just not going to, so there's no tension there, either. In fact, in spite of all the damage he can do, he just comes across as kind of pathetic, especially when compared to the far richer life that Sherlock has half-adopted, half-stumbled into.

That said, I think there's a lot of potential for developing him (assuming he's still alive) by actually putting him with a companion of sorts. Maybe that's why I'm so keen to see Moran. Other than, obviously, to see the dark version of John. So. *fingers crossed*


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