Returning to my native soil (oh, I'm "home", by the way, whatever that even means), I discovered Sherlock S2 is availble from the region's iTunes (I think I may have suspected this, but put the matter aside due to reasons that don't entirely make sense to me any more), promptly download it, and took an entire week to watch the three of them. -
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And I love the way you described this! Yes. This this this.
but with that fandom in particular I feel like shipping them is a prerequisite to participating, and that just bums me out.
No worries, that's pretty much exactly what I thought you were saying. It's my lament too, just said in a much nicer way. Other people's perspectives on a story can bring a lot to it, but if you fundamentally disagree about what it is and what it's about - and what to talk about! - there quickly stops being any point in trying to carry on a conversation.
If I didn't think you and I would be the only participants (and if it weren't far too much work), I'd start a comm called "No slash, Sherlock" or something. It would be a very lonely little internet outpost, and break my heart by mournfully never having any traffic. So I'll just stay here where it's cosy instead and we'll have to make do. :)
oh-- i also need ideas on a drabble i promised. i need someone to help me be clever on this and of course, you are the obvious choice when clever is called for. ;) ((it's ridiculous. i'll write a novel length fic, and yet i still get tripped up over 100 words. stupid plot disease.))
No, it totally is! And really, the more old fashioned meaning of the word "romance" is very fitting for what it is, because it IS epic and contains chivalric threads. And you're not the only one who thinks constantly interpreting any love story as sexual is tedious. Even C.S. Lewis spoke against it in The Four Loves (he says: Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend. The rest of us know that though we can have erotic love and friendship for the same person yet in some ways nothing is less like a Friendship than a love-affair.), so you're in good company.
Anyway. Send it. Let's clever away! :)
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