So, like ...
bitterlimetwist did
this meme what feels like AGES ago and I was gonna do it for her even though she already knows all my Show secrets and then BAM real life and so, like ... I didn't? But then she reminded me and I want to and I have a few minutes, yay, so ... like ... here it is! *beams proudly for doing a meme for that is what my life right now
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They are VERY pretty.
Although, and here's another deep dark fandom secret, sometimes I wish they weren't, so much. I mean, *confession*, most of the time I actually don't notice, unless it comes up (not that I mind THAT much when it does). They're just ... people with faces and bodies. I love their expressions, but I loved Garth's expressions, too, for example. And Becky's. And ... I'm trying to think of other characters who aren't conventionally "attractive" to me ... Zach. He had awesome expressions. Oh, and LARP!SamnDean, they were amazing.
So ... what was I saying? Oh, right. Maybe it's some irrational sense of them being objectified; because of their looks, their lives are perceived as something they're not. Maybe I feel like there wouldn't be so much oversexualising of them in fandom if they were just two regular-looking doods. Like our culture (and fandom takes it to one extreme, although there are others) automatically assumes some kind of ownership of anyone attractive on our screens. And, sure, you can argue that this is a non-verbalised contract that actors make with the public, like they're leasing their image to us (and our imaginations), but ... it's still kind of squicky to me. Appreciation is fine, but it just feels like a lot of people don't know (or care, which is worse) where that line is. BECKY. (And that's not saying everyone is like this, of course. Most aren't, I think. Unfortunately, the culture of fandom is shaped more by the visible extremes.)
And holy off-track rant, Batman! Oh no wait, I was trying to think of secrets. There you go, then. :p
Oh, and just to get all the shallow out of the way - JDM with a beard is like ... guh.
And here is where I get crazy-hypocritical, because YES. HOLY SMOKES. Oh, wait, I said appreciation was fine, didn't I? Oh, good. I second your GUH and raise you a HOTDAMN. *fans self* *puts him very carefully and respectfully back on the shelf*
You were right, okay? Don't let it go to your head.
Only if you do the same when I come around to soulless!Sam. :)
I thought that made a horrible person. Glad to know we're both horrible, then.
*high fives for horribleness*
How dare you? Don't you know the quality of the show is directly correlated to the state of Sam's sideburns hair?
Oh, it's ON.
*brooding and pensive bitch shoulders*
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
Oh.... I have a suspicion this may become a Thing. :D
This post! \o/ *passes out from gleeeeee*
Glad it didn't disappoint!
So, I guess what I'm saying is - I love their expressions. Yep.
OTOH, sometimes I just want to go on about the pretty. *shrug* I'll own it.
Oh, and LARP!SamnDean, they were amazing
I'm pretty sure half the reason I watch Call me Fitz, is how much I enjoy the actor who plays LARP!Sam. That guy is really fun to watch.
I feel like there wouldn't be so much oversexualising of them in fandom if they were just two regular-looking doods
Lj Spn fandom is pretty much all about the sexytimes. Zzzzzz, boring. But, I don't think it makes that much of a difference that these guys are so good-looking. Slashers just slash. They slash everything. I don't understand it at all. Doesn't it get old? Like, every single book/show/movie is just fodder for slash? Why? *baffled* So even if Sam and Dean looked like Dawson and Pacey, I'm pretty sure they would still be hyper-sexualised (Although the fandom might be smaller. Maybe.).
I second your GUH and raise you a HOTDAMN. *fans self*
This totally reminds me - have you seen P.S. I Love You? It's one of those awful chick flicks, but it's so bad it actually winds up being very funny. It isn't a movie for watching so much as for ripping to shreds. It almost ruined JDM for me though, which is just all kinds of wrong.
Right, I agree. Because they *are* SamnDean. I don't want anyone else playing them either. And you're right, slashers just slash. I guess it's just ... I don't know, Show comments on it better than I can, with Dean's reaction to LARP!SamnDean's romanticising the story, and with Becky's ... unfortunate ... attitude to Sam. I don't know. It angers me but I don't know that I have any right to *be* angry about it, you know? Maybe just being irrationally protective of them. Maybe it's an older sister thing? :)
However, I'm also not really interested in watching them in anything other than Show, so it isn't only about their looks either. And, in pretty much every way, Jensen Ackles is more the type I like
Ha, this reminds me of when I saw Ackles in Dark Angel, and I was like, Wowza! Nice one, sir! Mind you, this was about three years after I started watching Show. He's attractive - I find him very attractive in DA (even though his longer hair does nothing for me). But not as *Dean*. I see the attractiveness of him - of both of them - but it's like seeing the attractiveness of my own brother. I see it but I don't feel it, like my hormones are just switched off. Like from the moment I started watching, the Westermarck effect was just flipped on and never really stopped. Especially not for Dean, because he has not changed almost at all, appearance-wise; but even grownup!Sam, objectively hot as he is, usually just makes me want to wrap him in a blanket and give him hot milk and cookies. (John, on the other hand ... yeah, not so much.)
OTOH, sometimes I just want to go on about the pretty. *shrug* I'll own it.
AND I AM HERE FOR YOU. I AM HAPPY TO BE AN ENABLER. (And it helps to remind me that Show is just a show, all said and done. Blasphemy, I know! But it helps keep fandom in perspective.)
even if Sam and Dean looked like Dawson and Pacey
I don't know, grownup Dawson got cute. Mind you, I never watched the show. I could never figure out why I was supposed to care. About any of it.
have you seen P.S. I Love You?
*mimes up-chucking*
YES. Even worse, it almost ruined Gerard Butler for me, too! JDM was like a breath of fresh air when he turned up. By that time, I had completely checked out of the movie, and already had my filters up high to save Butler from never being sexy again, so JDM survived fine. He actually came across as the first - then only - sane person in the entire movie. Plus, when watching chick flicks (or "rom coms", as I know them), I'm generally wearing my "I see, you find this person attractive because you're script-bound to do so, for there is no other apparent reason for it. Carry on. I hope they're paying you enough for this" goggles. Helped enormously when watching Accidental Husband, which, by the way - don't. I found it honestly insulting, that I was supposed to do ALL the story work myself while they paraded one cliché after another across my screen. That wasn't his fault, though; he did what he could.
Does Sam and Dean discovering slash fall into this category? Because if so, that may be my favourite poke in the eye.
I see it but I don't feel it, like my hormones are just switched off.
This is exactly how I've felt about Ackles since S3, even though prior to that I was all - damn, that guy is smokin'. But even for all that I thought he was beautiful, I could never watch anything he was in because he was always in stuff I couldn't stand. Dark Angel, Dawson's Creek, Smallville; just, no, across the board. I'd pretty much just given up, and figured I'd never be able to watch him in anything. And then Show came along, and they cut his hair (my preference, go figure), and at long last, I could enjoy his face acting.
Dean, because he has not changed almost at all, appearance-wise
I think he's actually gotten better looking. Less pretty, more handsome. And yet.
\o/ Also, THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS HOMG. Sometimes it just comes over me, you know?
And it helps to remind me that Show is just a show, all said and done. Blasphemy, I know! But it helps keep fandom in perspective.
It's an odd balance, because I enjoy taking the show seriously, and I have fun breaking it down and everything, but sometimes I feel like I'm taking it too seriously (probably 'cause I am ;p), and the easiest way to remind myself not to, is to go on about their looks. Besides, being a fangirl is like letting loose my inner twelve year old.
I've never even heard of Accidental Husband. *watches trailer* *is speechless*
Dark Angel, Dawson's Creek, Smallville; just, no, across the board.
I watched the first season of DA on and off on tv (never watched the others - I can't stand pretty boys for the most part, and the guy who plays Clark is just ... no, just no) and I'm pretty sure I did see the one episode Ackles was in where he was psycho, and it was one of the best episodes of DA. I didn't care much about it, though. Like I said, I didn't see the second season until after totally falling in love with Show, and the second season spread its focus enough to include him (and off Alba enough) that it was bearable. He was really good in it, of course. (I kind of want to hunt up Days of Our Lives episodes with him in it, just for the LOLs, but I don't think I'm brave enough. That one clip in French Mistake ... Idek.)
I think he's actually gotten better looking. Less pretty, more handsome.
Agreed. He's one who's going to age really well, he's got great structure. But the *feel* of his appearance hasn't changed, the way Jared really filled out from his gangly whippet days.
I've never even heard of Accidental Husband. *watches trailer* *is speechless*
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