
Jul 21, 2011 02:58

So I don't get hung up on that many songs, or music vids (" Blow" notwithstanding), but I'll admit to a gently whole-hearted love affair with Gotye and his music. And this is one I appear to be watching over and over ... and over. I can't stop. When his voice takes off like that, I just ... anyway. That's the sort of disease that we're supposed to pass on, right?

image Click to view

I ... uh. Yeah. Somehow he just gets me where I live. Something about his storytelling and his honesty and his yearning and his whimsy and humour and.... And he keeps getting better. Idek. *huggles his voice to my heart*

cry of the heart, aussie music, gotye, musetastic: musicality, category: guh

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