30 Days of SPN - Day 25

Sep 02, 2010 12:59

I’ve decided to try to stop whinging about doing this. No promises, though.

Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
See, this is easier to answer, because it can pertain to pretty much anything. I mean, I wish Sam and Dean could have found their parents in heaven. I know The Song Remains the Same was kind of the idea of the family reunion, but I wish there’d been a way for real!Mary&John to have had time with their sons in the afterlife, just for the very sake of it. Maybe the question of where they were was laid in for S6, and likely they just didn’t want to open that can of worms within the story of the episode, and certainly they couldn’t get JDM. But I still wish it could have happened.

And, as previously noted, I really wish Henriksen could have survived and become a hunter. That would have been so full of awesomesauce I can’t even begin.

Ultimately, though, there’s an overarching note which I wish could have been maintained, and that is keeping Sam’s journey in the foreground and Dean’s to remain largely in the background. It’s not that I think Sam’s is more important, but that Writers kind of went overboard in shining a spotlight on Dean (along with being forced to do more with him after they actually sent him to Hell, etc). To me, Dean’s journey works more powerfully and more evocatively in the wings, behind the main show which is Sam’s struggle.

And I think they lost sympathy for Sam because of how easy it was to sympathise with Dean, once his issues were made more obvious, and his façade made to seem more false and easily seen through. And because whatever he was given, Jensen knocked out of the park, so the imbalance of cockiness and woobiness accelerated. Once again, remember when the majority identified with Sam and didn’t like Dean because he was too arrogant? I do. Which flipped sometime early/mid S3, from what I remember. What Is was pretty pivotal in that, and then of course Dean at Sam’s deathbed in the finale. And once he admitted he was scared of Hell, forget it. No one cared he was an aggravating SOB with people skills picked up willy nilly from John’s excellent role modelling. And I miss that, damnit. Let him keep his persona more, even if we’re the only audience.

Was that complaining? I can't tell. Maybe if I stopped using "damnit".

we the entitled, musetastic: character stuff, musetastic: memeage, 30 days of spn meme, the brothers winchester

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