As suspected, I was ultimately unable to shake my Leverage crack addiction. Shoot - maybe this is my niche. Along with conversation!kink.
Title: girls' night
Ficverse: LeveragePlus (crossovercrack!verse)
Series: crack addiction
Rating: Gen / PG-13
Length: 2500 ish
Characters: Sophie and Parker, with a little of the boys
Teaser: Deciding what to do for a
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And Sophie... hm, the tunnel and the footsteps made me think of The Third Man, but that's not it, I guess. But... there is Circe, right? Smell of brine...
Please post the answers too, yes? *g*
And I loved it. Great companion piece, and wonderful ideas! *giggles at Eliot sneezing from faerie dust*
Hrm, clearly I need to read the other piece to have half a clue what's going on. My fault for missing the author's note! (The story was awesome anyway, though.)
Cookie for you! Siren was one of the first jobs she took, back when she was still really, really angry at men. For good reason (at least to her)....
Anyway, Sophie as a siren is awesome, and (seeing the other comments), did you base Sophie-as-Eurydice on Gina's turn as Eurydice in the Henson's Tales of the Storyteller show? (So very young! So much room to improve as an actor!)
You've certainly helped reinvigorate my need to work on my Leverage/The Mummy crossover, that's for sure.
Gina's turn as Eurydice in the Henson's Tales of the Storyteller show
She did what now? No, I had no idea! I only vaguely know Gina from Coupling, which I really never watched. The universe is synchronising on me! (That's awesome!)
Also, Leverage/Mummy? I'm intrigued. Is any of it up?
You're on the right track with Greek myths - that's where she started. As she says, she's had many names and many roles! Not Circe, though; Havoc got a hit with "siren". :) That was one of her first jobs, after being let down by the man she loved. For her original identity, hint: his "turning face" is important.
I'll post answers soon, if no one gets them. And there will very likely be more fic, exploring other roles, because this is just too much fun! :D
Yup, and then she cut a deal/took a job from Hades. :)
... OMG what have I gotten myself into? :O
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