May 16, 2006 19:41
I was talking with one of my co-workers as she was packing up to leave for the day (i was staying a bit later to help out my boss with a late tour). She noticed i was reading the DaVinci Code and started going off on how she did not like the book because it was fiction and people did not looking into what about it was truth and what was fiction. She said that it was a immoral book. I gave her a inquisitive look and she tried to further explain herself. The example she used...get this... was Harry Potter. She told me that she had read the first book and found it completely immoral and that she will not let her children (ranging in age from 10 to 23) read these book. She said it is especially bad for the age of kids it is targeted at, teaching them things that are wrong and immoral. She continued on with saying she also thought gays were immoral and are ruining the world. She also told me that she signed a petition against them in some way... i was so shocked that i did not inquire more. I really do look for the best in people, which i assume makes the shock of finding such people who are for lack of a better term just very closed minded even worse. So for everyone one who liked/loved these books... keep a tight hold on them... there are people out there who would love to see them disappear.
Just to let you know, the text on the userpic says "You have annoyed the monkey"