SCI Friday Thoughts

Jul 30, 2005 03:08

Meant to start this earlier, but, well, then there was a whole distracting fight incident up the street. Huh.

These are all just kind of reactions. Not really indepth ponderings. Maybe later. Or not.

I agree with everybody who said Jack was just weird. Not knowing anything about RDA personally, I hate to speculate, but, well, he just looked kind of like he didn't want to be there. Or was just going through the motions. It left a bit of a bad taste on the episode.

I'm going to miss Vala when she goes. I love Claudia and all, and definitely want to see more of her around, but, well, dang Vala's just plain fun. She's a great foil for everybody, but in particular Daniel. I miss her already and she'll be on for a couple more eps.

Cameron Mitchell, well, he's certainly amusing. But, we don't really know him much. These episodes were still very introductiony for his character. Need more.

I like Landry.

I'm kind of out of thoughts here.

Well, McKay's still amusing. I love the girly screams.

Ronan. Blah. I don't like characters who are all ubermacho grunting cavemen. It's just boring. Plus, I kept wondering if his hair smelled as bad as it looked. Though, there was some redemption with the whole "I won't flinch" *FLINCH* *passout*. Heh.

Sheppard's kind of a dick, but in a good, amusing sort of way.

And that's all I've got for Atlantis. I'm watching it, though, which is a step up from last season when I flinched when it came on.

Can I love this show more? I'm not sure it's possible. It's only the third episode of the season and I'm already at "ack! MY BRAIN!" So, given the "ack my brain"itis, bullet points for your reading pleasure.

• Apollo. Brilliant. He just doesn't care, anymore, and I love that. Well, that's not entirely true, he cares about the job, because he believes in doing his part, and doing it well, but he doesn't care or worry much what people think. Tigh wants to be an ass? Fine, whatever. He can bark at Apollo all he wants, but it doesn't get Lee all tense and stick-up-assy like it would have last season. The look on his face when Tigh screams at him in the hanger, a sort of considering look, like "you are so toasted colonel, and when I get back, I'm going to deal with you."

And, oh, man, snarky Apollo? "It's a demanding job being commander of a Battlestar." hooooo-doggies. Starbuck would have been proud. Or deeply freaked out. Or possibly both at once.

• Chief. Oh, Chief. You're the bestest guy ever. Last episode when Cally called him a mother-frakker and he cracked up and kissed her on the head? Such love for the Chief. And when he od'd Socinus while promising him they were going home and lying about hearing ships? Such love and heartbreak for the Chief.

And this week, pulling Crashdown aside to disagree with him on tactics, but then when Baltar's all "let's vote" and he stuck up for Crash? *sniff* Good man, that. And he so would have shot Crashdown himself. Ack! My brain!

And then he goes for the Cylons himself and looks like he's pretty sure he's going to die and then boom! And he looks at his gun like "whoa? did I do that?"

Such a mensch, our Chief. Love him. Dudes, he's going to be destroyed when he finds out Boomer's a Cylon. Poor Chief.

• Baltar. Wow. Just when you're sure he's back to being a completely shallow prat, his brain kicks in and he surprises you (well, me). It's like when he was talking to Boomer in KLG1, being genuine and not at all selfish. I adored him there. He'd be so easy to play or write as a completely self-absorbed prick, but he's so much more complex and interesting.

He didn't have to shoot Crash. And I don't think it had anything to do with Six telling him to be a man. He did what he thought he had to do, and it was pretty unselfish. How horrible to have to shoot the guy, and yet, what else where they going to do? Well, then, Six, he's certainly got that protectory thing down, too, then doesn't he? Cally was scared, they were all scared, and Crash was going off the rails, Chief was going to shoot him, but Baltar saved him the trouble. That was just, whoa, unexpected.

Six, trying to manipulate him, finally seems to have gone too far. Proud of him because he killed? "That makes you human." And his response, what about independent thought, and art, and music, and literature. And she completely didn't have a comeback for that. And her almost desperate "I'll be your conscience!" as he walks away.

It's understandable that after the attacks, he was in shock and feeling justifiably guilty, and it's easy enough to understand how he let himself be manipulated, but now he's sort of shaking it off and starting to question. Almost dying probably helped that process.

An independently thinking Baltar, with a Cylon in his head (and the information she keeps giving him), and his own motivations for whatever situation, is going to be a fantastically interesting and dangerous person for all sides. Such love.

I almost feel sorry for Six. She loves him in her way, which is part of her desperation when she tells him she'll be his conscience, and she's losing control over him. The Cylons might end up seeing him as that danger to them. What will she do then? She said that love made the Boomer model weak, that they were the most human, so what will she become if she loves Baltar?

* Tigh. Jeebus, he is completely out of control. "I've really frakked things up for you, Bill. So wake up soon because I'm about to start a civil war in the fleet. No? Not waking up? Well, okay then, I guess I'd better go dissolve the quorum and declare martial law." Apollo is going to go apeshit when he gets back to the ship.

I'm really surprised Gatea or Dee didn't go to Cottle (after the Commander's surgery) and get him to declare Tigh unfit for duty on account of that whole being sauced thing.

And Ellen Tigh. GARGH! She's a great reminder of human malice. That it's not just the enemies on the outside who can destroy everything, but that they're entirely capable of doing the Cylons' jobs for them. Plus, catty bitch much? And then Tigh falling in with the mocking the President. It even seemed to irritate Zarek. I mean, even before Tigh threatened him.

And, you know, Apollo nothing, Adama's going to hit the roof when he wakes up. Good times. Oh yes.

• Finally, can we talk about Cally and Dualla? Cally in these first three eps just trying to hold it together, and keep the Chief together. Cally who just joined up to go to dental school and who was so unbelievably terrified when Crashdown told her to go off and act as a suicidal diversion? Poor Cally.

And Dee. Still staying cool in the face of the completely out of control Tigh. That girl deserves a promotion. When Tigh's bitching at her about all the transmissions being priority and she says, sort of exasperated, "that's how they come in." And then the "I'm not much for public speaking, sir" translated as "you frakked up, you get to deal with it, sir". And heh, the "tigh's drunk off his ass" hand gesture to Gaeta when she's talking to him about the quorum. Love Dee.

ACK! My brain! Now there's going to be a civil war, and if Tigh doesn't end up taking his turn in the brig I'll be surprised.

And this episode was so awesome, I didn't realize until way later that there was no Starbuck or Helo in the ep.

Oh, my show, how I love you. You make me incoherent and rambly. Excellent.

eta: I'm so writing that Cally & Dee fic. Yes.

eta2: to be not a complete moron. I should not type when distracted. Conscious and conscience are two completely different things. Yes.

bsg, sg1, sga

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