Back in time for stuff

Apr 23, 2011 17:56

Hello everybody! Pleased to report I'm not dead. Though, my computer is. ba-dum-dum

I'm sure everybody's glad to see me back. Where 'everybody' = 'people who can't remember who I am or why I'm on their flists' and where 'glad' = 'what? who?'

Anyway, there was working, and then when I wasn't working I was working and now I'm not working (except for sometimes, but nobody's paying me). So that's exciting. And then a week after starting my "between projects" state (aka - really, really not getting paid), my primary computer experienced massive failure. Of course. Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow didn't work (how could that ever work?).

Logic board fried. I suspect it fried because the NVidia graphics card kersploded (as they do) (frequently, apparently) and took the logic board down with it. Computer gods took pity on me, though, and I'm still under extended care, and the nice people at the store did not fight me on that at all, and so the Heydar is at the computer doctor, hopefully getting all better. Until then, I'm back on Mal, who is slower than molasses, but working like a champ, particularly given I hadn't booted it up in two years. Started right up. Oh, Mal, you were the devourer of hard drives in your day, but, you're making up for it now.

Anyway, so I'm back, or trying to be. And coincidentally I'm back in time for Doctor Who and I'm sure there will be embarrassingly long posts about that in the future, as there have been in the past. "And there is nothing new under the sun."

But first, I'm off to do who_daily. Reaction post time! I love reaction posts.

not dead yet

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