Doctor Who ... some more

Jun 30, 2008 22:56

Non-Who viewers, bear with me, the season's almost over, and then I'll shut up. But ... we're not there yet.

Hey, so, in this week's episode of "noticing something that other people may very well have already noticed" --

'Kay, so, I said it my recap that I did not believe that dalek Khaaaaaan! was talking about the Doctor when he mentioned "The Dark Lord." The roommate was just watching it, and she says that what the dalek actually says is:

"Listen to the beat. He is here. The Dark Lord is come."

I went back and listened, too, and at first pass, "listen to the beat" is what it sounds like, but on relistening it's like the more I try to hear it, the harder it is to make out (and could just be random crazy dalek chortling). So, flist, tell me, at around 36:20, right when we cut to the dalek, what do you hear?

doctor who

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