Smith & Jones

Mar 31, 2007 19:00

You know, this ep wins for the title alone.

Man, 1:16 and I already love Martha's family. It sort of reminds me of thevailumsofalj's family, in that tvslj always seems stuck in the middle of the family wackiness and her phone rings nine billion times a day with it. So, Martha wins straight off by reminding me of one of my best friends. At one minute in .... oh yeah! I MISSED YOU WHO!

Ahahaha! First we see of the Doctor, with the whole random tie removal. He's such a dork. God bless.

"You came up to me and took your tie off."
"Really? What'd I do that for?" Oh, Doctor, I never even realize how much I miss you until I've got you back again.

"Have you got a brother?"
"No, not anymore. Just me." It's his delivery. It's cracking me up.

THE WINK! Oh, adorableness.

"My mate Ben. That was a day and a half. I got rope burns off that kite. And then I got soaked. And then! I got electrocuted!" He just loves messing with people.

Man, I hate it when it rains up.

Okay, running around flailing? Where exactly are you running to if you're stuck on the moon, people? I'm sure you're all wigged, but really ... sedatives for everyone!

Okay, yeah, I like Martha. "Now everyone, back to bed. We've got an emergency, but we'll sort it out. Don't worry." That's so optimistic of her. How do you sort out being suddenly stuck on the moon? I don't know, but I admire her level head and lack of flailing.

I like the Doctor's hair. It's all ... pointy at top.

"Fancy going out?"
"We might die." It's a wonder the Doctor doesn't get punched more often.

Aw, Martha's all "OMG! SO COOL! WE ARE ON THE MOON!" Yeah, she's awesome.

"I promise you, Mr. Smith, that we will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back." Seriously, she's fantastic.

"Look, I've even brought a straw." -- yeah, ick. Creepy, freaking lady.

HA! The permanent marker Xs. That's just ... hilarity. "You will be catalogued." *squeak. squeak* I'm not sure why that's so funny, but damn if it isn't.

"Oh, look down there. You've got a little shop. I like a little shop." Oh, Doctor, I love you more than words can express.

"They're after something non-human. Which is very bad for me."
The EYEBROW! Ahahaha.
"Oh, you're kidding me."

"What's that thing?"
"Sonic screwdriver."
"Well, if you're not going to answer me properly..."
"No, really, it is. It's a screwdriver ... and it's sonic." He's so sensitive about his little screwdriver.

His hair in the scene where he's trying to get into the computer, is completely out of control. I love it. It's like adorable squared.

I'm so easy. God.

"Run!" Awww, with hand holding. *hugsshowlikewhoa*

I love her going to the operator's manual for the xray. And, I'm dying at the 'gotta get rid of the radiation out my left shoe' dance. "You're completely mad". "You're right. I look daft with one shoe. Barefoot on the moon!"

Aw, and he's all sad about killing his sonic screwdriver.

"You called me Doctor." The grin. Bless. And Martha's all, yeah, whatever, ALIENS AND WE'RE ON THE MOON! FOCUS, CRAZY PERSON! IT'S THE CREEPY OLD STRAW LADY, OKAY?

"It means nothing. Honestly, nothing." Fandom twitches.

"Rhinos from space!" Man, the only way that'd be better is if they were Robot Rhinos from Space.

Martha standing all brave in front of the Joodun. She's made of awesome. I expected I'd like her, but I didn't quite expect to find her so completely fabulous right off the bat.

"I only came in for my bunions. Look!" The whole ramble is great. I'm enjoying the hell out of this episode.

He's killing me with the whole GCSE thing. "I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me. I'm a little bit out of my depth. I spent the past 15 years working as a postman. Hence the bunions."

Ohhh, I like how she's all pissed. "You can't go! That thing's going to exploded and it's YOUR FAULT!" She's ticked, oh yes. Go, Martha!

"Two hearts." Clever girl.

"I'm a Time Lord."
"Right. Not pompous at all, then." Hee. Oh, Martha. You rock.

"Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. ... Except for cheap tricks." Ahahaha!

"It's bigger on the inside!"
"Is it? I hadn't noticed." He's such a show off. And really, it's amazing how seldom he gets decked.

How adorable is he stumbling over the Rose bit? So adorable. Oh, Doctor, you're so emotionally awkward, I love you. "Just one trip to say thanks. You get one trip then back home. I'd rather be on my own."

"Welcome aboard, Miss Jones."
"It's my pleasure, Mr. Smith."


So. Much. Fun. I'm so glad it's back. so, so, so glad. YAYZ!

I need an icon of The Hair. Yes.

doctor who, tmc reacts predictably

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