Things that aren't Torchwood-related

Nov 21, 2006 01:18

Woke up today to discover the living room and the kitchen mysteriously covered in feathers. The tiny beast of mystery brought us a present some time this morning. Good of her, though I do not think the roommate was quite so pleased.

I've promised to handle the removal of any future creatures and/or assorted creature bits. Then I had a chat with the cat about leaving the fauna outside. I don't think she was listening, and she seemed a bit miffed that I vacuumed up all the feathers. Tough. Who is it that keeps her in tuna, I ask you?


Oh, Heroes, you just keep getting better.

Peter, you daft bastard! I'm afraid I actually may have groaned that at the television, and I'm not so much a person who talks to the TV often.

But, I like that Peter's wide-eyed idealism has morphed into almost grim determination. He suspects he's going to die, but he'll die saving the cheerleader, damn it. I like his sweetness when he's just doing what he feels he needs to do, without going on at his brother or Mohinder, or, really, anybody about the zealous "MUST SAVE THE WORLD" thing. I get it, Peter. Just do your thing, bro, and quit trying quite so hard to look like a lunatic. Good man. I've liked him much more these past two or three episodes, than I did in the beginning, because he's finally moving forward and not just talking about it. They all are, and so I'm liking just about everybody better, even if I liked them before.

Speaking of people I like better -- Mohinder! Thank you for being less whiney about your daddy issues. In fact, I absolutely loved the look on his face and the way his voice broke when he realized his dad had found all those people. It was the look and sound of love and respect for a father he finally understood. Really very lovely and sweet and sad. And now he's going back to NY, and he'll have to tell Peter that Peter was right all along, and Peter'll be all "yeah, dude, no kidding. I saved the cheerleader, by. the. way. You remember -- the one you thought I was making up on account of all those drugs you thought I was doing with Isaac? Yeah. Thanks for your help, pal." Only, since it's Peter, he'll probably be all understanding and stuff. Oh, Peter.

Claire and Hiro are still my favorites, but since there was very little Hiro in this episode, we'll now turn to Claire. I love that she's very much just a teenaged girl -- confused, scared, a bit bitchy but not overbearing, trying to navigate that ugly bit between being a kid and being grown up. I loved that bit with Zach where she realizes she hasn't been as nice to him as perhaps she should have been. She came to it naturally and not in some overblown after-school special way. I also loved the mix of amazement and hope on her face when she realized that Peter was like her. Also, the whole rocking the freak vote thing? Ha! Fantastic.

And, Evil!Dad! He just wants to protect his little girl. Good, Evil!Dad. Even if by over-protecting Claire and not telling her some psychotic mutant killer was out after her, she was woefully uninformed on why she was to be kept from Homecoming. Less good, Evil!Dad.

And finally, Ando, sweet Ando. Waiting in the cafe for-freking-ever for Hiro to return, and feeling like he wasn't useful without Hiro around. Poor Ando. You rock, though, dude, 'cause Hiro needs you to be around or he's apt to do something tremendously idealistic and dumb. I mean, more than jumping back six months trying to save a girl. I love Hiro, even when I want to lock him in a room for his own protection. Oh, no! I'm turning into Evil!Dad!

In conclusion, I'm finally at a point where I can commit to saying this show rocks.


Now, where in the hell are the SGA magical elves?

casa de guppy, heroes

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