You know what I think you all need? You all need Thought Screen Helmets! Yes! This link is my Crimbo gift to you all.
Read me! Do it today, don't delay. It's for your own safety. Honest. (my favorite page might be the 'testimonials' one).
In other news, I've decided that I don't give a damn about Sheppard/Weir, Sheppard/McKay, McKay/Zelenka, Zelenka/Weir, Ronon/Sheppard, Ronon/Teyla, and whatever other whacked out combos the SG:A fans come up with -- I've stopped looking, it's just ... scary.
No, I'm devoting myself to the wonder of Beckett/Teyla. That's my new OTP to end all OTPs. Now, I just need an idiotic ship name -- Beyla? Teckett? Carla?
There needs to be lots and lots more Beckett/Teyla fic. I hope nobody considers this a spoiler (I can never tell with people, these days), but in the last episode, 2.15 whatever it was called, I swear they looked at each other for nearly two seconds. It was totally to swoon for.
Anyway, Beckett/Teyla ForEVAH!
OMG! I have no Beckett/Teyla icons! This is horrible. Woe.