Kittens In Pants

Mar 04, 2004 17:56

This is why Darci, the force behind is so damn cool:

In response to that ridiculous article FW Weekly posted a few weeks ago, they printed her letter:

Eat What You Dish
To the editor: Shouldn't someone who makes a living criticizing others be able to shoulder a little criticism himself? If HearSay's job is to "talk shit," as you so eloquently put it, I would think you'd be used to eating a little once in a while. ("Riverbloat Shamblers," Jan. 14, 2004). By your logic, Mike Wiebe's opinions don't count because he doesn't get paid for them, which, frankly, is a ridiculous statement. Meanwhile, you're forgetting that many people pay to see the Gamblers not only for the rock, but also the entertainment of hearing Wiebe express himself. (Also the inevitable bloodshed, but that's another story. ...)

For the record, HearSay got one thing right. Your condescending sarcasm aside, it's true: As a writer, to express one's opinion in a "reader-friendly" way is bad. It's boring. If you have something to say, then say it. And if you can back it up, then a little stage ranting won't rattle you.

Gosh, Mister, I may be just one of the "dumb-and-growing-dumber public" that Fort Worth Weekly, guardian of journalistic integrity that it is, tries so hard not to pander to. So maybe my opinion doesn't count. But, for what it's worth, I've only known Mike Wiebe to be intelligent, thoughtful, hilarious, and talented. One might describe him as articulate, funny, and erudite. The day he becomes "reader-friendly" I'm gone.

Darci Ratliff
New York City
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