So over the past couple of weeks i have been jumping back and forth between whether or not i should try out for the student impact team, and last week i made the final decision that im not goign to try out. Now im not saying that i wouldve been a shoe in on the team, i just didnt want to try out and make it and resign or try out and not make it
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Chris says that "most people arent able to make decisions on their own". And if what he(you) mean(s) by that is that the SIT can help people make right decisions, then that is where i think the they are wrong. here is a hypothetical situation starring James (SIT member) and Mike (person who isnt and is confused about the drinking situation in his life). If James went up to Mike and said "i dont think you should drink if your not sure about it" James' potential reaction may be "why is this kid telling me what to do?" I think that if the SIT told people to not drink, that can come off as the SIT thinks they are better than everyone and can tell people what to do. It may give a tone where they think that they are better than others becuase htey dont drink and make better decisions.
As i was talkign to Steven yesterday, we were talking about the poitn of "external validation" which is where someone acts a certain way to get someone else's attention. For example, If i went up to Izakk and said "i like techno" just to get his approval evne though i hate it, that would be me trying to get external validation. Steven said that the SIT views drinking as means of external validation (now refered to as EV). But i think that being straight-edge is also means for EV. People do say they are straightedge to be part of a scene and to gain accecptance from other people. My biggest point in the EV section is that if part of the SITs code is not to drink or do drugs, then people may not drink to gain accecptance from SIT members thus making it an example of EV. I think that there are equal if not more chances for people to be "straightedge" just to say they are.
And i think Chris got hte wrong message with my second reason. The second reason is that i dont think tis right for people to be on the team who dont agree with everything the team says because its such a serious thing to do. I wouldnt wnat to try out because i dotn agree with everything the team says, not beucase i plan to drink and break the code, evne though thats really lame when people drink and are on the team.
i can explain my reasoning better in person please come talk to me at school so we can have an entire conversation
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