(no subject)

Apr 14, 2013 01:12

Things I've been thinking about lately:
Are relationships frail? If they are, should they be? Should we try to hold on to people and things, for fear of losing them? Or should we be able to focus on the joys they brought us and be able to enjoy those moments, an feel grateful. Trevor has been gone for two weeks. There have been moments where I've felt things I wasn't expecting. Strength, weakness, loneliness, joy in my independence.
Then there have been other struggles. Work, my life felt breakable for a moment. But I've kept picking myself back up. I'm truly being held. There is so much comfort to me in the unexpected an the unknown. Sonic bliss in moments of dischord. I've never felt these things. So deeply. So heartfelt. So much joy in every moment whether painful, challenging or classically positive. I don't have much, and I struggle, but I'm learning to find greatness through each trial. Honesty has brought me so much in the last few months. Truth. Choices. Acknowledging that we are in charge of our own perspectives. But it's been odd. Desire. Leaving it behind because beautiful life, abundance, is worth the wait.

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