(no subject)

Dec 03, 2007 10:22

In the same way one can't bring themselves to throw away their favorite book or postcard, I have been mulling over what to do with themodernman. Will I put it in the basement? Lock it away in a cabinet? Leave it on the mantle and dust it once a week? Obviously Livejournal has not deleted the journal entirely just yet, which I ultimately would have regretted later if not sooner. Four years of exploration. It means something to someone. Someones. To me. So what to do?
I cannot make each journal entry private like I wanted to, and in exporting the journal one loses the comments which has honestly been a very important and valuable part of my journaling exchange and experience. So that leaves me up in arms, as they say! The most viable step is to make everything friends-only, so.. what I will do is delete my friends list and leave the journal activated for my own hoarding. I will not be writing here any longer.
Eventually, and soon, I would like to write again in a journal format. If you would like to come along, I will add you when that happens. Just comment here. All comments are screened.
Hope you are all well.