Feb 09, 2008 17:21
You know what's funny? Lately, I've been blurting out prescriptive statements on what actions cities/nations must take without having the perfect city in mind. So this led me to create a list of things that would make a perfect city:
(1) Culture: The presence of diversity would allow the city to have a eccentric flavor and more of a human organic feel. Imagine the urban civilization in which we can experience a wide variety of cultures and dining we can participate in. The absence of social and racial tension is also vital as we don't want any riots or anything blocking up traffic.
(2) Reliable Infrastructure: The accessibility of clean water, reliable sewage systems, etc.
(3) Mass Transit: Access to efficient and speedy transportation.
(4) Green: Appreciation for the environment. The strong prescene of renewable energy systems, parks, green roofs, biodiversity, conversation programs, etc.
(5) Aesthetics: Who hates pretty buildings?
(6) Strong Education: More efficient schooling systems that fosters the intellectual spirit.
(7) Strong economy: Strong input and output of economic resources.
(8) External Link: Efficient transportation to metropolitian area and surround cities. Maybe even an airport and water port.
This is a list in development, I'll keep adding and you're welcome to add your own ideas.