Name/Age/Location: Ashleigh/Sixteen/New Jersey
How'd you find us?/Who promoted you ? Please provide their username. In the other community I'm in (
__ooh_la_la) a mod posted something about how they liked this community's userinfo.
4-sentence intro about yourself: Singing is my life. I'm a first soprano and I love singing really really high and loud. My school is doing a Phantom of the Opera performance and I got the part of Christine. And I have a kickass kitten named Pumpkin.
Taken Or Single? Taken <3
Show us your sweetheart. If none then show us some friends:
I don't really have many pictures of him. When we hang out we're too busy to take pictures.
The member who you think should be our next M.O.T.W: [please provide username]
(Note: Please do not choose current or past M.O.T.W thank you)
insignificuntPromote once in your userinfo and provide the link: post a salute. [Picture of you with a sign saying: YOUR USERNAME @ LJ.COM.] This is MANDATORY....We know it's a pain in the ass, but just work with us. Thx.
Post 5+ clear pictures of yourself:
What picture do you want on the members page?:" alt="Image hosted by">