Long time, no talk

Dec 04, 2006 14:55

Wow, I can not believe how fast everything is going these days!!!

Marlowe started to crawl on Thanksgiving day.  Took him 10 minutes to cross about 4 feet of space, but he was determined, and we have it on video. :)  Now he's off and zooming around, not yet at full speed, but definately more confident.   He loves exploring and he makes a very specific happy yoddle when he is moving after something he wants to get (usually the poor cat - Skyrmir - who has been VERY patient with the little rug rat).  But he's also a big fan of the lidded trash cans I bought in the hopes of them being baby proof - Not, btw, he gets them open and has even watched daddy and figured out if you push on this, the lid opens!   I came in this morning after running downstairs to warm up a bottle for him to find him rolling around with the trashcan on top of him and using it as a drum and as happy as a clam.

He's having pretty serious seperation anxiety.  He had been crying almost every day I left him at daycare the past 2 weeks.  It's very very hard to leave when he's reaching out for me and crying :(  But everything I'd read said 'don't go back', hug, kiss, make a bye-bye ritual of it and stick with it.  He'll learn that you'll be back and it won't stretch it out.  He's definately to the point of learning cause and effect.  He doesn't cry and pitch a whiney fit for Jim, but does for me cause he knows I'll come running.  Ah well, I wanted him to be well attached. :)   Today was not so bad, I put him down and he was after Gladys' christmas tree and forgot all about Mommy.  I gave him his kiss and waved and headed out and he didn't seem to mind at all.

We went and got our X-mas tree yesterday and had swimming lessons and went out for lunch.  It was a VERY LONG day for Marlowe.  But he held up really well.  He took a quick nap in the car, but was too exited about everything else to sleep again.  We got home at 3 and he was out by 3:15 as soon as he drank 7 ounces.  I woke him up at 5:30 since his bed time is at 7 and I didn't want him waking up at 4am and being ready to play.  Plus it was bath night, and he loves that so much I hate to deprive him of it.  Just holding him in my lap while he splashes madly and makes his happy yoddle is so beautiful I can just explode ;)

He's trying to pull himself up on anything he can get his hands on now too.  He loves to stand and is even moving his legs a bit like he's trying to walk.   I got him a Play around the Block Walker (a wooden push toy with a handle he can use to hold himself up while he tries to walk) for x-mas; got it used on Craigslist for 25 and it retails for 60, so that was happy.  Also already gave him his Radio Flyer bouncey horse, but he hasn't quite figured it out yet.  Also gave him is Leap Frog Play around table that he liked so much at his friend Evelyn's house.   I think his Daddy likes that one too much though, as he's singing the rhymes all the time now.

I'm going to host an Attachment Parenting Playgroup for 9mths to 18 mnths old baby starting in January, on Saturday mornings every other week.  Don't know if any other parents out there want to come by and see what AP is about and meet some other granola parents.    Two of the other boy babies in the group were also born in March, so very much Marlowe's peers.  I like the Friday playgroup, but most of the babies are 12 or 13 months.

Anyways, I was going to work from home today, but my computer is giving me the Blue screen of death, so I need to take it in.  Much suckage there, no idea how long it will take them to fix it.  Or how I'm going to do any work while they do :(
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