Title: Cause We Belong to the Hurricane
Chars: Johanna Mason, Haymitch Abernathy, Plutarch Heavensbee, Peeta Mellark, Blight, Lyme, Annie Cresta, Chaff, Alma Coin, Coriolanus Snow, Madge Undersee, OFC, OMC,
Pairings: Haymitch+Johanna, eventual Haymitch/Johanna, past Everlark and Odesta, Blight/OFC, others may develop
Featured in This Chapter: Johanna, Haymitch, Madge, Plutarch, Effie
Rating: High T/low M (language, references to war/Games related violence, drug/alcohol abuse, and sexual slavery)
Summary: The rebellion doesn't belong to one person--it belongs to us all. When disaster strikes in the arena, the rebels are left scrambling to recover, and turn to an unlikely inspiration: Johanna Mason.
Chapter Summary: Madge becomes a survivor, Johanna and Haymitch are recalled from Nine and find some common ground, and Plutarch forms another plan.
At the end, a lone figure stood among the heap of dead bodies, her blond hair falling in her stunned blue eyes, golden hair now streaked with strawberry red. 'Let this be a lesson to all traitors and rebels,' Claudius Templesmith intoned dramatically. 'Turn back, bring peace again to Panem, or death and destruction are what await you.' The tape abruptly ended there