OOC Contacts

Jan 01, 2020 13:20

So  yeah I'm Bus (Ask later it's a weird story) and there are various ways you can get a hold of me OOCly!

AIM: awildbus
MSN: penpenreject@hotmail.com
Y!MESSENGER: kira_the_broken_soul
GMAIL: hitabeat4me@gmail.com
YAHOO: kira_the_broken_soul@yahoo.com
GAIAONLINE: Michiyo K Fujiwara
CELL NUMBER: Ask on plurk.
PLURK: http://www.plurk.com/busobeaners

No one can ever say I don't have ways to be contacted. I strongly advise going down that list in ORDER. My cell is a last resort. PLEASE if you do need to call or text me remember that it is for emergencies only and to tell me who you are and what you need.

As for Xanxus ; who is now totally TYL!!

AIM:  ttlynotabusngpwr

- This was all totally copypasta'd from furyxguns . :| I am lazy

ooc: contacts

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