Jul 20, 2014 01:26
Long time no see?
I pop on LJ about once a week or so, scroll through posts, and then forget LJ even exists for a week.
The good news is, I think I'm starting to write again. I was a writing FIEND back in April--I attempted National Poetry Writing Month and managed eight poems in eight days, three of which I actually KIND OF liked (but stopped writing for a couple months after my engagement ring was stolen).
Then about a week and a half ago, I wrote my first poem since then. And then earlier this week I wrote part of another one. And then tonight I kind of did some freewriting to form the basis of yet another one.
It feels GOOD. I'd forgotten how much I love this.
I've also been reading a lot of poetry. I breezed through a collection of Sarah Kay's poems called No Matter the Wreckage; she was the first poet who really got me interested in spoken word. (Which I'm also working on now. I actually did my first poetry reading in over two years, and my second poetry reading ever, at a house show a few days ago, completely unplanned, and I'm planning on reading poems again at another house show in a week or so.) Now I'm reading a huge collection of Sylvia Plath's poetry, and since I opened this book TODAY I've re-read "Lady Lazarus" four times because holy shit I love that poem. It gives me chills.
I've also been reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series but I just finished the second book and can't afford to spend money on more books right now because money is SUPER tight (we had to purchase a new laptop and also we have two doctor bills for Anthony and right now neither of us is getting many hours at work) so I don't have any new A Song of Ice and Fire to read. I've watched a couple episodes of Game of Thrones but Anthony doesn't want to watch it with me because we're two episodes in and he already thinks it's too depressing and too many shitty totally unfair things are happening. Like. Dude. These are the HAPPY episodes.
...Anyway. That's what's going on in my life right now. WHEE.