Yuletide 2017

Oct 04, 2017 22:09

Hello! Thank you offering one of my fandoms this year. I've got prompts for each fandom f you want a specific starting place, but don't feel obligated to stick right to them. My AO3 name is also

General Likes & Do-not-wants

General likes: Arranged marriage, body swap, found families, hurt/comfort, Rashomon stories, soul mates/soul bonding, telepathy. Also, for all fandoms, feel free to include whatever other/side characters you want.

Do-not-wants: Please no crossovers, “only gay for you", animal cruelty/dead animals, self-harm, or domestic abuse

Carry On - Rainbow Rowell

Characters: Penelope Bunce

Carry On was such a fun book to read. I loved all the magic and every spell we saw, so any wordplay or new spells in a story would be great. I loved all the characters, too, but Penny really stuck with me and of everybody, I want to see more about her future after the book ends.

What does Penny want to do now that she's out of school? Does she end up writing books? Does she get into new spell research? If she has kids, how does she handle their schooling? (I.e. does she fight with her mom about Watford?)

Adventure fic would also be fun! I would love to see Penny getting to star in a quest or a fight against some magical threat. Say something's threatening her family (whether that be her parents, her sister, or Simon or Baz). What kind of danger would make her keep a secret?

More mundanely, are there magical illnesses? How would she react to getting sick and stuck at home? What if she has to collect weird or obscure ingredients to cure it? Who would she bring to help her get a magic fungus from the bottom of some deep dark cave?

Further in the future - does magic come back to the dead spots after all? Is Penny involved in the study? If they don't fill in her lifetime, how does the culture develop to modulate around all the dead spots? Does Penny find out the dead spots affect Normals after all? Or, what happens 20 years down the road, the next time the Veil lifts? Does Penny experience any personal Visitings this time?

Parasitology - Mira Grant

Characters: Tansy

I read the first two books while on vacation and bought the third as soon as I came back. The 'plague' here was so interesting and I cared about all the characters so much. Tansy in particular really gripped me. Some potential fic ideas:

The stuff with her language development and reluctance to speak at the end of the last book was really interesting. What would get her to speak more? Does she try to pick up signing? When she speaks, does she worry at all about sounding like the old Tansy? What feelings, if any, did she carry over into her new body? How does she feel about her and Sal's body originally being sisters?

And what happens to her, uh, chaotic instincts once she's in a new body? They kept mentioning that Tansy wanted a new body, and that they thought part of her wildness was because of the brain damage in the old one. At the end of the last book it seemed like all Tansy's maiming tendencies were totally gone. Are they really? If they aren't, is Tansy hiding them on purpose? If they are, does she have any residual feelings leftover, or does hearing about her old actions freak her out?

And how would she react to some kind of threat - real or imagined - on the island? Are they generally left alone, or does anyone else ever come out? Does Tansy want to stay or do supply runs? What would happen if she ran into another chimera who was looking for a place to hide? Do any scientists catch a rumor that they're out there and come looking for research help?

The Worst Witch - 2017

Characters: Hecate Hardbroom, Pippa Pentangle

I binged this show when I found it on Netflix. I love all the characters and everything about the school and magic society. I really fell for Hecate and Pippa and definitely ship them if you would like to write shipfic! The clash over educational styles was so fun and it was great getting to see them sort out what happened in school. Some prompt ideas:

A flashback from when they were younger? It'd be fun to see them going through school rituals - competing in a spelling bee, maybe, or going through whatever tests older students have to take. What do witches do for senior projects?

Do witch teachers attend educational conferences (and what does the swag look like)? What if one of them gets cursed, can't remove it, and has to ask the other for help?

Are there any unique courting or marriage traditions witches practice? Are you supposed to do something special on Halloween? What happens if your cats don't get along? Or, what happens if your cats have kittens together?

I'd also be open to AUs - I love arranged marriage and soul mate AUs, and with these two, it'd be interesting to see how their falling out would play out with either of them. Do arranged engagements have magical consequences when they're broken? Are there spells or potions to suppress the effects of soul bonding?

yuletide, fanfic

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