Taking over for
taurenova again as Anderson started at eleven tonight, too.
1) Breaking News! NY State lifting the mandatory H1N1 flu shots for health care workers order. People didn't want to get the shot because they're afraid of side effects or whatever. California released face masks because they don't have vaccine, some people think the flu is peaking now.
The governor of NY says that the order was lifted because they simply don't have enough doses, not because workers were suing to not have to take it. Across the country people are having trouble getting shots.
Anderson wonders if people weren't taking their own advice in getting up to speed and Tom Foreman tells us the vaccine making was taking longer than people thought it would.
ETA People don't trust the vaccine: afraid of shots in general, afraid of side effects, afraid of a similar vaccine back in the day that killed people. Er. Some dude thinks that it's designed to kill people and reduce the population.
Digging Deeper with Lorna Patterson and Dr. Jorge Rodriguez. Lorna was one of the people suing the state. She's not satisfied because they could be ordered to take it later. She says it's a mild virus and they don't need it. Dr. Rodriguez says that doing that sends a dangerous message because younger people are dying from this disease.
2) Back with the same people. (Lorna is a nurse, btw.) She would not tell parents to not vaccinate their kids, just to make the decision that is best for them. Anderson asks what she would tell someone if they asked "should I get my child vaccinated" because he is worried about random information on the Internet (where she suggested people do research).
And Lorna's audio appears to have cut off.
Dr. Rodriguez says that people should ask their doctors. Anderson talks about all the school closings and asks if the vaccine works better if more kids are vaccinated -- Dr. Rodgriguez says yes. In the past week over 100 schools have closed. o_O
Lorna's audio is back on! And Anderson reiterates the question. She says she wouldn't vaccinate her kid because the risks outweigh the benefits. She says that vaccine additives and "not well documented, but there" risks are the problem. She also says she's seen people with the flu who are okay. Dr. Rodriguez is just shaking his head. Dr. Rodriguez says that the risks are less than the benefits.
Brief viewer question.
3) Erica's Bulletin. A strike against Mexican drug operations across 19 states (including mine), feds investigating whether some pilots fell asleep at the controls, GIANT SEAGULL that was really just a bird really close to a city-scape camera capturing a background for a newscast in Australia.
"If giant seagulls attacked, that would be interesting," Anderson tells us.
4) Crime and Punishment: Federal hate crimes law exented to cover sexual orientation, gender, and disability. Named after Matthew Shepard.
Dana Bash looks further into it. She talks to a guy who was attacked and mugged so badly that he even had a shoe mark left on his face (they were calling him "faggot"). Now, that crime would be a federal offense. Republicans object because violent crimes are already illegal. Supporters say this would punish acts, not beliefs, and the federal money would help prosecute crimes like this.
Dana points out that this could help out with attitudes about Obama being slow to act on gay rights issues. Rights groups are praising the bill. And the guy Dana was talking to still doesn't feel safe walking through the neighborhood where he was attacked.
Dan Savage is here. He says that George Bush veoted the same thing and it's a victory, but it doesn't impact the lives of most gays and lesbians like being able to marry would. He wants to see action on more issues. Hate crime isn't a thought crime, it's progress, but not the important, big promises Obama has made in the past.
Anderson talking about a piecmeal approach to civil rights and a generational divide, younger people wanting more. Corey Johnson talking abotu young people, and people in general, being frustrated with how slow the process has been.
ETA Anderson says that Obama does not support gay marriage, but isn't stopping states. Dan says that Obama is not leading or using the political capital the gay community raised for him. Corey says that Obama has not shown himself to be a fierce advocate, and reiterates that they want him to be a strong, forceful leader on civil rights for gay and lesbian Americans.
5) Anderson's talking with Musharraf, former Pakistani president, about sending more American troops. He agrees with General McChrystal that they need more troops in Afghanistan. He doesn't think that people from the Taliban are in Pakistan, though Anderson says many intelligence officials have told him that's what people believe.
Money given to Pakistan and how it's supposed to be spent. Pakistan's army doesn't want to be micro-managed, Anderson asks whether the American government doesn't have the right to control its money. Musharraf says it's not that much money (1.5 billion) when considered overall. He says they need forces to fight terrorists and the military knows best how to spend it.
Yesterday Cheney yelled at Obama about taking too long to make a decision about Afghanistan.
ETA Hi Michael Ware! *waves* He's saying that there aren't enough people to fight the war they need to fight. Peter Bergen says that it's not enough, either, but it's getting better.
Anderson says that all the officials are saying that people are in Pakistan, and does Musharraf not know that or not want to admit it. Peter says that he's heard the same things before. Michael says that Anderson hit the nail on the head by saying the Pakistani military aren't equipped to fight an internal insurgency, though the Taliban "owns that region of Pakistan".
Taliban is a loose term for lots of networks run by lots of people. The criticism of Pakistan is that they seem to be making deals with some wings of the Taliban to stay out while they go after pieces that are in Pakistan. The Pakistani Taliban has made errors in killing Pakistani citizens, and the public thinks that fighting the Taliban is in their interest now. (Anderson and Peter)
Anderson refers us to the full Musharraf interview online, as well as Musharraf's new Facebook page.
6) Latino in America and a young girl who was put into a detention center for illegal immigrant children. Kids who enter by themselves. She came looking for her mother, and a judge ordered her deported -- they're calling her Marta for the story. She's scared of being deported and is lonely.
Marta's worried she's falling behind in school, and she has a lawyer fighting her deportation order. They have rights for attorneys but the government will not pay for one -- so they have to present their own cases. Even five-year-olds.
Oh God this little kid crossed the border on one leg hoping to get a prosthetic. A four-year-old crossed with his father, who's in jail. He has no idea what's going on.
Erica tells us about a group of kids from Cuba who were legally brought over through a program and stayed at the same place. Interviewing Mel Martinez who say immigrating is a lonely and confusing process. He says you can't treat everyone with a blanket, and you need to deal with people charitably. (Also, he's a former US Senator.)
Erica asks about it being a touchy subject. Martinez says it doesn't mean amnesty, but dealing with a problem that's been going on for too long. He's talking about a guest worker program, but not enough Democrats favor it because Unions are against it.
He's a Republican also, Erica asks how they can get the party to not be seen as the party of "angry white men" (Lindsey Graham quote). He says they ought to use moderate voices -- not beliefs, but being careful in how you speak.
7) Erica's Bulletin: Lil Wayne pleads guilty to a gun charge, REM, Pearl Jam, and other rock bands protesting the use of their music at Guantanomo Bay and want records released. Rob Burnett wrote to NOW about Letterman not having a bad work environment. Someone pleaded guilty to driving a motorized arm chair while drunk.
"It made me think of the motorized barstool," Erica says, and we get treated to some pictures of a motorized barstool.