I am many things, I am a feminist, pro-choice, and a Christian.
There have been a number of things lately that, while none of them really new, have been quite upsetting. I have always been of the mindset that the bottom line of my faith is to be a decent human and to be loving.
There have been a number of unpleasant things that have been done in the name of God, and while they upset me the reason they get attention is because they are unpleasant and they are loud. I was once told that reasonable people are not as loud as the obnoxious so I feel the need to speak up.
I am sorry, for so many things.
I am sorry for those that picket dead soldiers funerals and teach their children that "God hates fags". I am sorry for anti-choice pro-lifers that attack women on their way to clinics.
I am sorry for prop 8 and that marriage between first cousins is allowed in more states than gay marriage.
I am sorry for Jerry Falwell, George W Bush, and I'm sorry for Sarah Palin.
I am sorry for what has said caused the earth quakes in Haiti and hurricane Katrina.
I am sorry for any hate that may been pushed forward in my Gods name. I hope to live a better life to be a better representation.
I would hope that no matter what you do not lose faith in humanity. Do not lose hope that right will win over wrong.
Even if I don't know you I am sorry.
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