Though now that I think about it, it might just be someone's away message. Still, I'll post it here for posterity's sake.
I had a less-than-productive conversation with goatblaster16 (whose real screenname I never mananged to figure out, as the real person blocked the bot before I found
tesseractivity's most helpful post. Anyway, I shrug and move on with my life, and close the window. Not five minutes later, I get another IM from the same sn:
goatblaster16 (11:27:45 PM): i say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
GoldenCurls4 (11:28:12 PM): And who might you be?
goatblaster16 (11:28:13 PM): Why do I look to all these things,
To keep you happy?
Maybe get rid of you,
And then i'll get back to me!
GoldenCurls4 (11:28:34 PM): Huh?
goatblaster16 (11:28:35 PM): Why do I look to all these things,
To keep you happy?
Maybe get rid of you,
And then i'll get back to me!
GoldenCurls4 (11:28:39 PM): Fascinating
At first I thought this was a new thing with this bot, but now I'm guessing it's probably someone's away message. So if you're the person that had that away message up and you were confused enough to Google around and found this site, hi, this is me, and I apologize for any confusion. *waves friendly-like*