The Good, the Bad, and the Ehhh...

Jan 26, 2007 20:56

So I've gone through one full week at my new job now at Harcourt, long enough to give the situation a preliminary review:

The Good

* There is an on-site cafeteria, with a fairly good selection of drink and food options.

* I get to work with spottylogic, one of my oldest friends.

* The pay is definitely nothing to sneeze at.

The Bad

* The job itself is stupendously boring!

* My desk chair was cunningly crafted to become uncomfortable within five minutes of sitting down, no matter how you position yourself in it.

The Ehhh

* I am left alone by my supervisors pretty much all day; while I prefer to work by myself, I have no way of knowing whether they are happy with my performance or not.

* I am dependent on spottylogic's generosity to get into work each day; while I'm doing my best to pay him back for the favor as I can, it still nags at me.

All in all, it's been an okay experience so far. For what they're paying me (even if I don't get much in the way of benefits), I'm willing to put up with some tedium and inconveniences. With the enormous amount of work that's built up, I'll certainly be kept busy (and employed) for a good while here.

To help me combat the tedium, spottylogic introduced me to the wonders of Internet radio. Being the huge girl geek that I am, I've become particularly enamoured of the "Trekdom" station. Admittedly, the various techno/pop/disco remixes of various series' title themes can get old, but there's a lot of highly entertaining stuff on there nonetheless.

Today I got a listen to this little ditty by Nerf Herder of B:tVS fame. And who would have known that Voltaire, singer of angsty goth music (AKA Music That Reminds Me of Ex-Boyfriend Jason), would have written a Trekkie anthem of his own? themightyemu had it right... they should have just smacked some warp nacelles on a ginormous deflector dish and just flown around in that.

Yes, those are links to YouTube videos. It was the easiest way to get a listen of the songs from home. No, I'm not going to embed the videos. I personally find those little windows really annoying in LJ entries. :)

humor, music, work

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