Apr 23, 2007 21:53
This is the scariest IM conversation I have ever had.
Am I even allowed to ask about other people?
Do I sound stupid now?
How do I know when to leave the conversation?
I've said 'thankyou' about five times now.
Uhoh, she's asking me questions. Can she survey me? Uhm...
'Sure, okay'
Yes, I'm in education. You're not gonna catch me out here, lady.
Is she typing everything out at half-speed?
This is painful.
Oops, I said 'he'. I don't suppose that matters. I'll keep using 'they'.
Do I just close the window when I'm done? Or is she going to say goodbye?
If I close it, it will be the web eqivilent of hanging up.
Oh God.
What if she thinks I'm wasting her time?
Oh thank goodness, she's said goodbye.
Goodbye, Gillian P Connexions lady. Thankyou.
For the sixth time.
Yes, I'll tell my friend.