arrived for me today. Loovely. And the artwork is wonderful - the Black Hurts Day CD is yellow and covered in those little band men. And it has the poem behind the title. I like that too.
"As the sun is swallowed and the clouds grow thicker;
the trees loom taller; the air becomes denser;
black hurts day and the night rolls on.
Spring fades into summer nights,
autumn blooks its winter flights,
black hurts day and the night rolls on.
Breathing is harder, sweat runs faster;
emptiness becomes thy father;
when black hurts day and the night rolls on,
slowly turn from wall to wall,
happiness becomes you all."
- Gareth Hooker Doherty
Soo yes. Back at school, anyways. And although that does mean History coursework looming over me, well, hey, that's okay. It'll be done by tomorrow, then I've just got to finish my ICT and I will be coursework-free. Which will be a gooood feeling.
Yesterday was nice, seeing everyone again. In fact, I saw everyone. Seriously, it was one of those days. I saw Chris, I saw Andrew, I saw Theo. Dan's dog. I saw everyone at school. I even saw Daniel, who I haven't seen in something ridiculous like 5 years. Ohyes. So I was quite happy to throw myself in there and surround myself with people. It's really nice so far.
In fact - first lunch back, and there we were lying in the grass, bathed in sunlight, listening to Moi Caprice. Could be worse :_)
Lastnight I learnt the acoustic version of Mumm-Ra's There She Is. Sadly, since I'm more used to bass, the thin acoustic strings cut up my fingers, and now the second and third on my left hand are numb, which is really making typing weird. So I'll sign off now.