Merry Christmas.

Dec 25, 2010 12:19

So, here is the thing! I got two gorgeous Yuletide stories this year and they've both kind of short-circuited my brain.

They Make a Desolation and Call It Peace, a post-Partition, pre-novel Firoz who is lonely and frustrated. DEAR FIROZ, HERE ARE A MILLION HUGS. But at the end there is an unexpected grace note of humor, and most importantly there are no fruit knives.

Time and Tide is a beautiful, dreamy look at Tide (Andy Lau's character) from Days of Being Wild. The writer did a cool thing in tying it into other WKW works, which are all kind of tied together anyway! So it is like an extra WKW movie - which was pretty thrilling for me. DoBW is not very long and is available on Netflix Instant Watch so if you wanted you could probably, like, catch up and then read the story.

Also, my parents gave me cognac for Christmas. Parents win!

Happy Christmas, everybody!

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wong kar-wai, yuletide, fandom, happy christmas, a suitable boy

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