Anouilh, Jean. Antigone.
ISMENE: Allez! Allez! ...Tes sourcils joints, ton regard droit devant toi et te voilà lancée sans écouter personne. Ecoute-moi. J'ai raison plus souvent que toi. (26)
ANTIGONE: ...Comprendre. Tojours comprendre. Moi, je ne veux pas comprendre. Je comprendrai quand je serai vieille. (27)
ANITGONE: Une fille, oui! Ai-je assez pleuré d'être une fille! (86)
ANTIGONE: Pauvre Créon! Avec mes ongles cassés et pleins de terre et les bleus qu tes gardes m'ont faits aux bras, avec ma peur qui me tord le ventre, moi je suis reine. (86)
ANTIGONE (doucement): Quel sera-til, mon bonheur? Quelle femme heureuse deviendra-t-elle, la petite Antigone? Quelles pauvretés faudra-t-il qu'elle fasse elle aussi, jour par jour, pour arracher avec ses dents son petit lambeau de bonheur? Dites, à qui devra-t-elle mentir, à qui sourire, à qui se vendre? Qui devra-t-elle laisser mourir en détournant le regard? (page number not recorded)
...And then I forgot to write down the quotes and gave the book back. Some of these quotes are wrong, wrong, wrong because my handwriting is terrible.
Heaney, Seamus. The Burial at Thebes: A Version of Sophocles' Antigone. (Line numbers were included in the text, but I used page numbers for some reason.)
He has put it to us. I say,
It's a test you're facing,
Whether you are who you are,
True to your seed and breed
And generation, or whether - (7-8)
ANTIGONE: What are Creon's rights
When it comes to me and mine? (9)
ISMENE: What are you, Antigone,
Hot-headed or cold-blooded?
This thing cannot be done.
ANTIGONE: But it still has to be tried. (12)
CREON: And equally to blame
Is anyone who puts the personal
Above the overall thing, puts friends
Or family first. (17)
ANTIGONE: I disobeyed because the law was not
The law of Zeus, nor the law ordained
By Justice, Justice dwelling deep
Among the gods of the dead. (29)
ISMENE: You think, Creon, when you drive us to the edge
We won't go over? (37)
CHORUS: I see the sorrows of this ancient house
Break on the inmates and keep breaking on them
Like foaming wave on wave across a strand.
The stagger to their feet and struggle on
But the gods do not relent, the living fall
Where the dead fell in their day
Generation after generation. (39)
CHORUS: Love mounts to the throne with law. (49)
ANTIGONE: I am still in life, and I dread
To leave our groves and springs. (51)
ANTIGONE: No flinching then at fate.
No wedding guests. No wake.
No keen. No panegyric.
I close my eye on the sun.
I turn my back on the light. (58)
TIRESIAS: My second sight scares me and should scare you. (61)
TIRESIAS: I am not the target. I am the archer.
My shafts are tipped with truth and they stick deep. (62)
MESSENGER: He might as well
Be dead, for when you lose your happiness,
I always say, you lose your life. (65)
CREON: The hammer-blow of justice
Has caugh me and brought me low.
I am under the wheels of the world.
Smashed to bits by a god. (70)
CHORUS: Wise conduct is the key to happiness.
Always rule by the gods and reverance them.
Those who overbear will be brought to grief.
Fate with flail them on its winnowing floor
And in due season teach them to be wise. (74)