Jun 01, 2016 19:40
I'm 6 weeks post partum and I'm wondering - is it too late to write my birth story? :)
I normally am the kind of person who needs to write things down to process things, and I wonder now if I've totally changed, because I've barely had a me-moment since Martina came and I seem to be doing just fine.
I wonder sometimes -- am I just troopering through this? Will a major meltdown eventually get the best of me?
But I've survived 30 days without a bath (which is another story), my longest sleep stretch so far has been 3 straight hours (last night), and I pretty much still spend whole days in cute pajamas and milk-stained shirts. We've been yaya-less, my mother-in-law has died and my husband has not been here as much as he'd like because of her illness, but you know what? Martina and I are doing great. She's definitely feeding well and has gained at least 4 pounds. Breastfeeding is painful but guess what it is doable. And I have the beginnings of a small stash in the freezer that I aim to build up in the next two weeks before I re-enter the world.
And I'm sitting in my nursing chair as I type this and really really really I am just grateful for everything. If one thing has changed about myself since becoming a mom, maybe it's that. I'm more grateful, which makes me more "chill" about this whole mommy business.
I haven't decided if I am mama or mommy or just mom, but you now what? I kind of like this new me.