Jul 21, 2007 17:05
See, I don't realy post to my journal anymore. Which is a shame because I have things to say sometimes.
But oh well :p
At the not so gentle nudgings of Shiranami, and a few others, I'm updating.
I may or may not have mentioned it when I last posted, but I did in fact pass my driver's exam. The instructer was an ass, but I passed. w00t! So finally I'm able to drive.
Not two weeks after I get my license, I dent Nan's car. Made a bad judgement call, and dented it. NEvermind that the person I hit was parked too close to me and at an angle nearly INTO me, but yeah. I didn't damage the other vehicle, so whatever.
Work is going well, very well actually. My boss is starting to turn into a bitch, but she's a pregnant lady so I'll just shrug it off.
French! I speak it! I'm not what I would consider completely bilingual, but I'm damn near close. Now if only I can stay at one university long enough to finish it.
Speaking of my student loan, mine is nearly done now. w00t
Ug, being 21 is a touch of a pain. Can I still be considered a dependant even though I'm fucking old past the age of majority? B'ah. I'll figure it out later.
Nan also made toutans today! For those of you who know what they are, you understand why this is worth noting. For those who don't, too bad. :p
I'm also finding now that I'm driving, music is incredibly important. I'm open to suggestions.
I've also ordered the new computer parts I need. New HDD for Adrastos, and a new keyboard for one of the laptops. w00tage.
Oh yeah, I need to actually pay for those...
FUCK! >.<'
So, I have this wedding in August, and I still don't know whether or not I'm going alone. *Sigh* Great :p
In other news, I'm hopefully starting this Exalted game with Aaron, Other Ryan, and Candice. You can make some pretty scary things in Exalted :S Here's hoping THIS group actually gets somewhere.
Moving on...no wait...I think I'm done. w00t