(no subject)

May 27, 2012 01:53

Carrying on from the previous week in Mowgli Cove Lisa is still heart farting over Darren, her daughter's boyfriend. Though Keeley went to college a day before, so I'm confused why Darren's still wondering the house, in his undies...
Lisa: What a view, I concur!

Lucia got a makeover at the start of the week which I think suits her much better.

Natalie loves homework, y'know when sims get a want to do actual homework? She re-rolls that want, after completing her own homework, so I let her do Lucia's homework as well.
If that's what she wants, who am I to deny her that? ;)

The Lucia/Theodore romance continues.

*slyly screen caps a picture which doesn't involve Eliza's jaw*

Uhhh I love Chen (lovelyxwow), so pretty!

Eliza grew up and inherited Darren's eyesight.

Close up on Eliza's face because she's a lot cuter now.

Kyla (freudroid) grew older, I still love her though~

Zeke continues to be his usual fabulous self.

Before being shipped off to college, Yumi ran outside to see him off :')

Yumi and Evie's affair continues to occur, though only by Evie or ACR's doing.


Reece face time, because she's adorable! Look at that face!!!?!!

Abe caught Reece cheating during chess, his expression XD

And then he became santa...

Marianne came over for a bitta sibling bonding with Noé through slap dancing, obviously.

Me gusta.

Evie is not amused by this potty training malarkey.

Eeeee I love how Matilda grew up! I see her having a thing for waistcoats, just because I can.

Brigitte (available at niloublue) congratulates her daughter on being born d'awww.

A part of Dominic and Juliet's little electronic store.

Since Dominic was obsessed with achieving his Gold mechanic-thing badge I let him create a robot, Henry.

Juliet instantly wanted to be ~besties~ with Henry. I like to think she's watching over him.

Evie: Don't mind me.
Juliet: I never do.
...you two are aware you're sisters right?

In a reshuffling of CC Wig (freudroid) lost his eyes and skins. I gave him some similar eyes to his previous ones in SimPE, but alas they didn't overlay (or whatever) the skin's eyes. *shrugs*

Aurora's hairstyle got changed.

It's moments like this that makes me love this household.

Aged up Wig.

Wig rolled a want to get married. Marianne wasn't terribly fussed so a pyjama wedding was had.

Florence and Theodore bonding in the usual family way.

And the plot thickens! No wonder the landlord's been asking if he can 'hang out' after work :O

Calden takes pool very seriously.

Calden/Florence bedroom makeover.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she wondered around with her head in that position for a while :S

Calden never fails to make me smile :')

Repeating what I said in the last update, Theodore is the worst cook ever.

All the teens have now been shipped off to Mowgversity (I'm so original in my naming it hurts(!) ;)) which I'm having fun building and decorating further. Can't wait to share pictures of that when it's done! >:D

Long time no post my dears! Admittedly I was more concentrated on getting back to playing my game than taking pictures, so sorry for the lack of 'em in this update.


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