(no subject)

Jul 09, 2014 03:47

Mowgli Cove update, woo!

Since Eliza went off to university Chen (lovelyxwow) rings her regularly to chat.

Damien has been making friends with the local strays (because I'm unoriginal and there are never any playable walk-bys).

After faffing about with their living arrangements, I eventually made an apartment building I was happy with for Lucia and Theodore.

One of them rolled a want to get engaged to the other. A wedding quickly followed.

At the end of their week they adopted a cat called Knuckles, because I thought it was a pretty badass name.

*Theminibeast is a terrible sim-god as usual in matters concerning Henry and his need to recharge*

Following their last round and Sandy's fling with a cook, she was pretty well behaved this week.

I swear Henry's the most adorable sim/servo I've ever made.

Sandy had been getting wants to be abducted all week, so eventually she did. And there was a jingle~

Aurora and Greta live in the apartment below Henry and Sandy, so it made sense that I'd play them next.

Gotta love a kitchen marriage.

The amount of fires that occurred during this round was ridiculous.

Ralph, Aurora's step-dad, invited himself into the apartment and continued to be really creepy for a few hours before leaving.

I was so cross with these two when this happened, because I wasn't even aware Greta was pregnant as well. Never had a double pregnancy before, so this should be fun in their next cycle.

Another epidemic of slap dancing occurred in Mowgli Cove, and Zeke was patient 0.

It spread quickly...

I found it really heart-warming how Aurora and Natalie had both wondered off by the end of Reece and Zeke's ceremony.


Pregnant women starting fires in my game, I mean honestly.

Since proposing to Andrew (boolpropbea), Keeley has become quite boring, considering that she has a secondary romance aspiration. I guess she got it all out of her system in college.

They wanted to have a baby~

Evie and Brigitte's (niloublue) bungalow got a re-vamp (because I was bored).

Close-up of Evie's face because she's purdy.

Their midlife crisis' took the form of gardening.


I really like screen-capping elderly sims laughing, it makes me smile, ALRIGHT?

Surprisingly, in his own apartment, Ralph isn't all that creepy. He's kinda cute.

This is what Ralph and Marianne do all week, apart from eating pancakes. I aim to be in a hipster power-couple like this one day.

A kitchen wedding strikes again!

So apparently the newest supernatural craze in Mowgli Cove in alien pregnancies. Not surprising anyone, Alvin was very much pregnant by the end of the week.

As was Natalie, before this round I have never had to deal with double pregnancies. It was actually pretty easy, they sat down and slept most of the time.

These two taking it in turns to rub each others bellies amused me to no end.

I called her Mathilde, without realising I already have a playable called Matilda. *shrugs*

Additional university round: Matilda and Eliza

Matilda's room.

I thought Eliza looked pretty.

Matilda is also a werewolf, it seemed understandable seeing as both her mum's are.

Eliza got a want to be turned and Matilda wanted to turn someone.

Eliza got quickly bored of being a werewolf though.

Eliza's room.

I wanted to try join Eliza to a secret society, but it ended up being just as disappointing as I remembered it being years ago.

And then they graduated.

Sorry for how boring this probably was, but I'm a tad tired (nearly 4am here).

IRL I've just got my results for my art and design foundation diploma (I got a distinction), and I'm in the process of getting my contract sorted for my new house in Norwich. A few people from my course are going NUA as well, so we thought we'd just get a house straight off the bat. And then there's the moving down there and it's all just very tiring atm.

But yeah, I hope you're all doing well too!


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